Trump supporters do not lose faith. There is a major PSYOPS underway. In 2016, it was kept simple, they underestimated you and thought the fake polls would dissuade you. They were wrong. Today they are going for it all, the DNC, conspiring with the MSM, is hammering you.
They are trying to overwhelm you. China virus, economy, riots, murder hornets, Trump looks defeated, social media accounts that look like MAGA are pushing a negative agenda. They want you to give up, feel like the walls are closing in. It is a full onslaught.
Now kids are kept from school which causes an additional burden on the family for childcare, and to assist with online classwork. Understand their game plan and you can stay mentally strong to not let it defeat you. It's essentially a mile wide, but an inch deep.
It's not the massive tsunami the MSM is portraying. The American people want safety, security, economic prosperity, all things Biden cannot deliver since he hitched his wagon to the socialists. Trump supporters, keep look pushing back against their agenda. Do not retweet accounts
which question Trump's ability to win, that he has no chance. His campaign team looks weak etc. You are only doing their bidding and passing on their propaganda. Tweet against it, call them out, let them know it's BS. Trump can win, but you must stay strong.
You can follow @wiseguy702.
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