It's said that #Portland was a place of calm prior to the Fed's arrival. I saw the peaceful protests, tear gas, the police in force. But I also saw the not-so-peaceful protesters. There had to be more to the story. #PortlandProtests #PortlandRiots THREAD
There may be no way to come together on this one. But, at the very least, I urge ppl to do their own digging. The media largely argues that the protesters are peaceful and the Feds and Portland Police have used excessive force. That may be partly true . . . but there's more:
Date: May 30 cont.
The violence ramps up quickly after earlier peaceful protests as "protesters" smash windows and loot stores.
Date: June 1st-- Day 3 of Protests
"Portland a city of plywood"--Minneapolis was a lot like this at first. We have protests & gatherings, but nothing like this. Why aren't there riots here, at ground zero? Why Portland? Who are these "protesters" really?
Date: June 6--Day 9 of Protests
This lengthy video showcases how quickly things can escalate and how once again, the assertion that these were peaceful demonstrations is untrue.
Date: June 9--cont.
Portland’s Deputy City Attorney Naomi stated that police were not using tear gas on peaceful protesters. There are "thousands of peaceful protesters who have shared that same rallying cry to descend nightly upon the city without police intervention."
Date: June 26th--Day 29 of Protests
Lawmakers: Bar set much higher under which crowd control devices can be used; Trump signs executive order to protect monuments and combat "criminal violence"
Date: June 30th--Day 33 of Protests
There is a pattern to these events, which may be why so many ppl think they are peaceful. Peaceful protests are early in the day & become violent later in the evening.
Date: July 6th--Day 39 of Protests
Portland business owners who supported the protests initially now express frustration as their businesses were destroyed.
July 7th--Cont.
It is important to see the video from the article to understand the events that led up to the Portland police and federal responses. These are clips taken from the last six weeks.
July 2020: Unidentified agents part II
Deputy secretary of Homeland Security stated that the agents aren't wearing name tags to protect them from doxing & harassment, but they have patches w/ numbers tied to their ID if someone wants to file a complaint. 
Date: July 19, Portland Police Association (Day 52 of protests)
Date: July 21--Setting buildings on fire
The way to convince the feds to leave is to . . . set buildings on fire.
Date: July 22, Fireworks aimed at Feds
Date: July 22, Mayor Wheeler talks to crowd
They are not happy with the mayor. As he goes through the crowds he is heckled, has items thrown at him, and is shoved around. Misses seeing the fireworks shot into the building. Gets tear gassed after going UP TO the fence.
Date: July 22 cont.
After enduring the gas (he didn't have to stand UP AT THE FENCE, but seems to want to appease the protesters) the mayor is hustled away by his security detail. He has harsh words for Trump & says he never observed any violence.
Do your own research & see what you find. I think it's perfectly OK to acknowledge that much of what we are seeing is biased, heavily politicized & aided by social media, uninformed ppl, a lot of anger & passion, & way too much time on our hands. Case in point. This thread 😉
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