It’s coming, folks.
There is at least one reason why the existence of “aliens” must be publicly and officially disclosed if Satan wants to prevent his world government plans from being totally derailed.

Should I say what it is? It’s something most people have heard before, so it’s easy to dismiss.
It’s a very weird and controversial subject.

Although extrapolations based on current understanding of the nature of reality should make it seem less weird.

Theologically it remains controversial, because Christian scholars love to have intractable feuds over such issues.
But if the rapture is true, and all the world’s Christians -no, believers in Jesus - suddenly vanish (as Christ did in Luke 24:31), how would people explain it away?

(The rapture/harpazo/seizing of the Church as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 is basically mass teleportation.)
If you’re the god of this world (Satan), how do you explain it away so that those who are left behind don’t fall to their knees in repentance?

You need a ruse.

The idea of a mass vanishing is well known in culture. The corny Left Behind movies. The secular “Leftovers” series.
We’ve been primed.

I think the alien agenda plays a big role in explaining away such a public miracle.

Many of you already know the UFO / alien phenomenon is somehow demonic.

More accurately, it’s a fallen angel operation.

1 Corinthians 15 makes mention of...
...various types of bodies. Some are earthly (ours and the animals).

Some are heavenly (angel’s bodies, Jesus’ post-Resurrection body)

Corruptible (subject to entropy imo) and incorruptible (exempt from entropy)

Earlier, I tweeted about Christ teleporting and shapeshifting... described in the gospels, after His Resurrection.

Angels can also do these things with their heavenly bodies.

2 Corinthians 11:14

Close encounters with “aliens” and UFO’s report similar kinds of physics-defying feats.

Their interdimensional nature allows this.
The church will also be given such bodies (see earlier tweets) when the vanishing takes place.

It follows that this immediately precedes the vanishing (Planck time / 1 digit of time), as you can’t teleport without such a body.


By this point, I expect alien disclosure have already happened and accepted by the world population.

The benevolent “aliens” (space brothers), in concert with the global dictator and false prophet, will have their explanation ready.

Some people who’ve been contacted/abducted by these aliens report an interesting
...story: Mother Earth, reeling from centuries of abuse under fallen humanity, has arrived at a do-or-die moment: either rid herself of the pest infecting her (by killing humanity through massive natural disasters), or do nothing and die, taking all life with her.
Fortunately our benevolent Space Brothers, using their already known powers of teleportation, decide to “transport” the humans with “low consciousness” (read: the church) off-planet for re-education.

With only the indigo-children left, Mother Earth can begin to heal herself.
When I first heard that, I was struck by how that seems like a perfect diabolical ruse to explain away the crazy Biblical concept known as the Rapture.
As I said, we’ve already been primed for a mass vanishing with movies and TV shows.

We’ve also already been primed with climate change propaganda.

Any natural disaster is immediately attributed somehow to climate change.

“The earth is dying” and man is the disease.
The foundation for this diabolical explanation is already firmly in place.

It will make total sense for those who have succumbed to this propaganda.

So when you say to people “Jesus took His church”, it will be like telling current NPCs that Russian collusion is a hoax.
Expect these tweets to show up on the SPL*C website in the future to prove my sheer insanity 😏
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