I wrote down my follower count when everyone started flaming me over AOC.

It dropped by 132, which I think is hilarious.

Pick better idols, people.

P.S. I'd do it again

Let's recap today:
Someone called ME a bitch, with no irony whatsoever...
Here's another one - also gives a nod to what they ALWAYS say:

"Sally is jealous of her youth and beauty"

IDK what to make of this one, except I'm apparently DOING TWITTER WRONG
Anyone? 🤔
Apparently accomplishments only count if people talk about them on Twitter.

I talk about the other freshmen and their accomplishments all the time, but sure, whatever...
And the scathing follow up...

I don't understand it either.
"AOC gets credit for whatever environmental policy Biden pushes"
She's going to beat Schumer, and then become President, and oh boy am I going to be sorry then!! 😂
The sky's the limit!!

(for her ego, maybe)
"If Sally hates her, I'm just going to like her more."

Because that's normal 🙄
Those are just ones I bookmarked in real time.

There were dozens along the lines of:

"Freshmen aren't allowed to pass bills"- the rest of them didn't get that memo

"She's great in hearings"- when committee professionals hand her the questions

And always, Sally is jealous.🙄
If I see anymore, I'll add them.

All you AOC worshipers should probably think about why you have so much hatred for a random stranger who doesn't like the same celebrity you do.

Because that's on you, not me.
Lots of people agreed with me, though

Not everyone is dazzled by her *checks notes* symmetrical features

Plenty of people see her for what she is - a glorified Instagram Influencer cosplaying Congress

Stop enabling her. Support freshmen women who are actually doing their jobs.
In conclusion, here's a quick thread I did:

Thanks for reading!! https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1215845480736940036
"How dare you not tweet about what I want you to tweet about!!"
This one has 71 likes 😂
Like I said about Elizabeth Warren, I'll stop tweeting about her when she stops pissing me off.
You can follow @SallyAlbright.
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