Nearly six years ago to the day the @ACLU filed a lawsuit to hold a Border Patrol agent agent liable for shooting a Mexican child dead across the border.

José Antonio Elena Rodríguez was his name.
And just a few weeks ago his family’s case was dismissed permanently. Why? Because the Supreme Court ruled that the family of another teenager who was shot by Border Patrol cannot sue the agent for damages under the Constitution.
We recently filed a new lawsuit to seek justice for the death of Claudia Patricia Gomez. A young woman who was shot on the U.S. side of the border by Border Patrol.
These are not isolated incidents. In the last few years there have been multiple deaths caused by Border patrol without accountability.

Want to see body cam footage? Can’t. These agents don’t have them.

See this thread on the history of this lawless agency:
And now Trump is bringing them to your city.

As you can already see by their actions in Portland, they think they can do as they please. Because they’ve never been held accountable along the border.

And now the @ACLU_OR is fighting back.

We won’t let them win.
You can follow @andresegura.
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