By cutting funding to Alberta institutions, the govt has forced PSIs to layoff staff that are critical to grant-seeking activities. Their work is downloaded to faculty who lack the resources or expertise to do it properly.
Sessional instructor layoffs mean leading researchers must teach larger classes, taking time away from their research activities (which are critical to competing for federal grants).
Cuts to capital investments mean poorer facilities that could have been used attract top talent and convince granting agencies that UAlberta researchers are worth the investments.
Freezes/cuts to education, healthcare, arts, etc make Alberta less attractive to postdoctoral and doctoral researchers. These are the heroes of most labs, and their work is integral to grant writing.
Open attacks on academics in the Legislative Assembly and on social media, and the inquiry into unAlbertan activities, make the province even more unattractive to top talent. And they harm the reputation of the province's PSIs in the eyes of grant assessors.
The same distractions draw researchers' attention away from their work, be it to fend off trolls, deal with threats of personal harm, or defend their scholarly reputations against baldly, baseless, partisan and ideological attacks.
What are other ways in which the Alberta government is actively hindering researchers' ability to secure federal funding?
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