Before Astroneer, Paul and I fucked around with other project ideas. I just found this Max file in our shared Dropbox that I hadn't seen since he modeled it. This project was called 'Fulcrum', can't say I remember what it was for.

Pepera original:
Another one was going to be an ActionRTS/moba kind of game, only it'd feature guns and gasoline and mechs, all taking place in Africa. Soviets were supplying African's with lesser mech pieces. The project was called AMP, or African Mech Project.
first pic is a sketchbook scan from Paul, 2nd is a drawing I did of what might be a "mid lane" ala League of Legends.
We wanted to do some kind of stylized realism on it to embrace its side-ways view of the universe. I remember one idea we had was, in this universe, the Beatles were still around and performing like the Stones. These were ref pics we made (or found?) I can't remember. Anyway..
We even blocked out a few things.
literally no body knows this, but paul let me art direct some of his early photos, to help expose him to the idea that photography can be more than what your lens captures.

These were his photos and my treatments, only shared between him and I. I'd say he ended up 'getting it'.
Before I ever worked on Assassin's Creed, I had this idea to an AC game that took place in London, 1888 during Jack the Ripper days. Fast forward 10-whatever years and I was an art lead on an AC game that took place during 1788. Life's weird.
2004, third model I ever made.
(No idea why I am sharing all this old shit of mine/ours, but if it goes to show anything its KEEP. TRYING. KEEP. MAKING. KEEP. GROWING.)
I remember being very confident this image was going to get me a job at Valve.
lol i signed it. what a pretentious mf
I remember applying for a job at Relic when i was 19. Didn't get the job. I didn, however, get a job for an outsourcing company and ended up working on the Outfit... made by Relic.
Years later I worked at full-time on Relic on Dawn of War 2 and Space Marine. KEEP TRYING. KEEP MAKING. KEEP GROWING.
First character I ever made. All my characters have bellies. Model what you know. (Even the OG Astroneer has a belly.)
(Pausing for a second to say that it continues to blow my mind that a character I modeled is the main featured character in a popular game. People cosplay it. Imposter syndrome through and through. I consider myself an environment artist. Still weird.)
I remember making these images so fondly. I was walkin' around Ubisoft Toronto with a pep in my step because I knew our shit wasn't stinkin' on this one.
Cancelled game. @jobyek knows whats up.

This one fucked me up. NYC Subway after terrorist attack (bomb). I rode the TO subway every day. Your mind can go places on that one.
The one and only thing I ever sculpted as a professional game artist. Ork Rok.
Those are the lyrics to 'Dead Wrong' by Notorious BIG on the scroll. You'd have to have access to the PSD file to know that. But I know that 😈
fuck i just remembered i'd make some truly pretentious art videos while at relic to demonstrate art progress to the ENTIRE ART TEAM. i dunno if i can show them, so embarrassing.
embarrassing af. I HAVE DOZENS OF THESE.

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listen, i hated art meetings. like i love great art and love my artist friends and co-workers but they were always so boring. i needed to do something.
anyway, dinner time.

Follow your dreams and don't take it too seriously. <3
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