1/ COVID ( @UCSanDiego) Chronicles - July 23, 2020

@UCSDHealth is now caring for 51 inpatients with #COVID19 including 21 on vents and 5 on ECMO. These individuals come from all over southern California, particularly @SanDiegoCounty and @ImperialCntyCA

2/ In a bit of bright news, with just 16 positive PCR results in the last 24 hours, the 7 day rolling average @UCSDHealth decreased to ~21 positive tests/day. This rate of ~2.3% is now the lowest across @UofCAHealth

4/ Of the 505 COVID-19 deaths in @SanDiegoCounty, 291 (58%) were among the general population compared to 214 (42%) in skilled-nursing facilities. “The increasing number of deaths outside of congregate facilities is a sign that the virus continues to be widespread” Dr. Wooten
5/ Similarly, California has now surpassed 400,000 overall cases. Headlines have highlighted CA pulling ahead of NY, but note that NY has reported more than 32,000 deaths, while California is approaching 8,000 #CurveFlattened https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/california-coronavirus-new-york-cases.html
6/ It’s tough to know which state has actually had more total infections. Seroprevalence studies show actual infections from late March to early May were 6-24x higher than documented, with an average of 10x across multiple states in the US.

7/ One critical question is what mutations in #SARSCoV2 will do to virulence. We have clear data showing that the virus is changing, but it is still unclear whether these changes are driving increased transmission, and very hard to research well.

8/ Hydroxychloroquine study of >500 patients across 55 hospitals in Brazil finds that "among patients hospitalized with mild-to-moderate Covid-19, the use of hydroxychloroquine did not improve clinical status at 15 days as compared with standard care." https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2019014
10/ Finally, yesterday was the first @UCSDHealth COVID Grand Rounds of our summer series of six talks. Catch up on Dr. Currier's great presentation below!
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