This page hasn't even been up a day and we're already getting attempts to intimidate and dox our chapters and supporters. Disappointing, but expected. So let's have a quick thread about safety!
#WallofVets is a non-violent support movement. We do not endorse it and we will not exercise it. We are willing to have violence done to us because we believe that Black Lives Matter and we are willing to use our bodies and experiences to prevent more harm being done to others.
Here are a few things to know. It would be impossible to post everything, so please comment or share other resources and tips you may have picked up along the way:

Most everybody will want a photo or two, but understand these are used by not only police to identify protesters, but also organizations looking to dox those supporting BLM. Before you post, remove faces and identifying marks from your fellow protesters!

Water: Bring some for you and some for others. These days can get long and it's hot as hell right now. Please mark bottles for first aid! We don't need you pouring covid into somebody's eyes because you just took a swig then tried to help a friend.

MASK. Impact resistant eyewear. Sturdy helmets. Sturdy heat resistant gloves. Long sleeves and pants. Umbrellas*

If the police engage, you WILL want protection from both chemical agents and kinetic rounds.

*see below.

If you have never been to a protest before, look into journalists doing on the ground reporting to give you an idea of what it can be like. Here are some reporters and groups out almost every night putting their safety at risk to get information to the public:
First up, @IwriteOK : *

He is out nearly every night in Portland and always in the thick of it. He has reported from Mosul to America and knows how protests function.

This video is not an endorsement, but it's how umbrellas have been used:
Next, @UR_Ninja :

Unicorn Riot is reporting from many states, to include CO. They interview protesters on the ground and can provide valuable context.
Finally, @AfroFrontCo :

Not necessarily reporting, but they are fighting for #BlackLivesMatter and frequently post a live stream of events in CO.
This is getting long, so for now I'll let some of you fill in items that are missing from the thread, like pogey bait. You will want snacks. See you out there.
You can follow @VetsWallCO.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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