Both are important terms but biphobes weaponized comp het against bi women and lesbophobes weaponized bi erasure against lesbians and it's so fucking ugly.

Also none of you know what comp het is. It's not "the feeling when you thought you liked men but don't really."
I've said it multiple times but you can't "have" comp het, and comp het affects ALL women (yes, even str8 ones). Comp het is a system that enforces the patriarchy by making women unable to survive without participating in heterosexual hegemony.
Of course comp het affects women of different sexual orientations differently; str8 women prioritizing men over their platonic relationships with other women, bi women forcing themselves to only date men for their safety, lesbians having a hard time realizing we don't like men...
But none of us escape it. How many str8 women do you think end up marrying men they don't really like that much out of pressure because they're "getting old" and "need" to marry a man? It affects us all.
Women being underpaid isn't ONLY because all our labour is devalued, it's also because of the assumption we must be married to a man who earns more than we do, so our jobs are almost like a cute little hobby and don't need that much money bc of assumed double income from a man.
If my pan sister overperforms her attraction to men it's not bc she doesn't like men, it's bc bi/pan women also are pushed to comform to heterosexuality. She does it so her attraction to other genders is less noticeable under the cover of exaggerating her attraction to men.
What comp het does is make a life w/o men unimaginable for women, whether we're into them or not.

You have str8 women who feel pathetic being single and the whole spinster thing. Yet you think bi women somehow don't suffer under comp het? That it's lesbian exclusive? Please.
And on the misuse of bi erasure... Lesbian erasure is a thing too and it happens all the fucking time lol. I've had people I've never even talked to online tell me I'm bi/pan (like they know better than me) because I used to date men. Nvm I wasn't genuinely into them AT ALL.
Lesbian erasure is a difficult topic for me to discuss so I'll leave it up to here but just know both biphobes and lesbophobes are pieces of shit. 🖕🏼
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