Some key points from the career talk I gave @haxx_group yesterday:

* Don't look at your career in isolation, look at it as a system composed of finance, health, relationship and career

* Hack your finance! Look into financial independence/retire early for good hacks
* Try to not have to keep/take a job you hate because of money (affordability can be matter of setting priorities earlier)

* Learn and think about ethics: watch or read "Ruined by design"
* Don't work for the bad guys and decide who the bad guys are for you (watch the movie "Official Secrets" before taking a government job)

* Make sure you fail regularly! People who don't fail just don't take enough risks.

* People are not against you, they are for themselves
* "Don’t let the rare liar control your policy in every interaction and hijack good business decisions with paranoia" from the book "The plateau Effect"

* Don't stay at a job you hate

* Don't be afraid to stay technical

* Learn about Deep work (read the book from Cal Newport)
* Your impact is not measured by the number of hours you put in

* Try to decouple your income from the time you spend working

* Beware of the usual signs of success

* Security is a team sport

* Your job is not to keep things secure,
it’s to help people keep things secure
* Be critical of information you receive or information people want you to infer...

* Be worried of any company/team in which the culture
is based on "us versus X"
* What is the most required skill in the security industry? EMPATHY. Understand why people click on links, why they write insecure code, why they don't patch. If you don't understand, you can't help.
* How would you suggest those just starting out in Infosec best position themselves for the coming increase in demand for jobs over the coming years ?

Find something you are good at and you like. Get involved in the community. Personal branding if it's your thing.
You can follow @snyff.
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