So, @JoeBiden said what he would do differently to handle the COVID crisis. He had 6 points. While Biden was hiding in the basement, Trump implemented all 6 of Biden's big ideas ... in March and April
1) Defense Production Act: 27March, Trump implemented the DPA, but hoped not to need it. He used it to get GM to agree to do what they promised in building ventilators.
2) Biden says we need more tests! We've done more than 52 million tests. Trump encouraged development of more test capacity in March, and companies stepped up. Abbot created a five-minute test.
2a) But, tests are irrelevant. You could be negative yesterday and positive today. Ask Juan Soto. We don't need more testing, unless it's for antibodies.
2b) What we need are vaccines and treatments. And idiot Liberals like Biden trashed treatment using HCQ and using Remdesivir ... both of which have helped thousands.
3) Masks. CDC and White House Task Force reco'd masks on 3 April. Maybe Joe was sleeping in April.
4) Help for business. The CARES act provided $660B of forgivable loans to business on 27March.
5) Biden wants no one to pay for medical treatment for COVID if they can't afford it. TRUMP pointed out on 3April that money in the CARES act covers those people.
6) Vaccine Command Officer: On 15May, Trump put the commander of the Army Materials Center, General Gustav Perna, in charge of logistics for getting vaccines distributed when available.
So, all of @JoeBiden's big ideas for doing something different or better about COVID have already been done ... by TRUMP! Maybe Joe was sleeping in the basement. Maybe Joe heard what was already being done while he was asleep.
. @greggutfeld @PolitiBunny @OrdyPackard I created this thread while listening to Karl Rove today. If you guys could amplify this ... I've been frustrated by Libs criticizing Trump's handling of COVID, wondering what they would have done differently. From @JoeBiden ... NOTHING new
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