Another meeting where a politician assumed the reason young people aren't engaging with their campaign is because it isn't 'sexy' enough.

If you are struggling to get young people involved in your work, consider... (1/5)
1. how a culture of stereotyping, age-based hierarchies, and an education system which values the passive reception of knowledge might lead to young people lacking the agency to create change within a professional/political arena.

What are you doing to change that culture? (2/5)
2. how your youth engagement may be tokenistic. Do you:

- treat YP as a diverse group of rounded individuals each with unique insight?
- receive & actively respond to feedback from YP?
- want to help YP achieve their OWN goals? (3/5)
3. why do you think you need youth engagement to validate your work/sustain your movement? The idea that young people can/should/will/want to clear up the messes left by previous generations is a very dangerous lie. (4/5)
Most young people are already under a lot of pressure (from school, home, work, mental and physical health etc.) Expecting them to power and sustain your cause without 'burning out' is unrealistic and irresponsible. (5/5)
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