logic is a tricky subject to talk about in hip hop. a once promising lyricist and storyteller who seemed to have potential to be one of the best rappers, turned corny and lost all the things that made his music great.

in preparation for his new album coming tonight, i wanted to take you through his career and how he rose to greatness and later fell off. be sure to answer my questions on the last tweet!

logic’s early career was made up of 4 mixtapes. the last 3 make up the young sinatra mixtape trilogy. through each tape, logic improves and begins to develop some buzz and show his potential to become a star.

my favorite one is YS: WTF which shows a hungry logic over some really cool production. all of these mixtapes paved the road to logics stardom.
THE PEAK (1/2)

logic’s best album, and one of my personal favorites, is under pressure. this was the debut album from logic after his mixtapes. logic’s flow and lyrics are great.

he’s able to tell a unique story about his upbringing and relationships which develops as the album goes along. the use of thalia is cool and is used in future works. i also think the production is very unique and works very well with him.

after under pressure came TITS and bobby tarantino. TITS was an interesting space experience and BT was the trap alter ego of logic. both of these were pretty good, but neither were as good as UP.

although everybody, BT2 and YSIV were not terrible, they were major steps down from his previous work. everybody began the hatred towards logic and turned a lot of people against him. the other two projects are just worse follow ups to previous series

supermarket and coadm are just flat bad. supermarket isn’t really an album but is just cheesy and knock off music. it’s not terrible, but very unnecessary. COADM is a very misleading and disappointing album.

too many corny lyrics and terrible songs to even count. there’s a few good songs but the bad completely outweigh the good. these two albums 100% showed that logic has completely fallen off and has lost all potential to be great

just recently, logic announced his retirement and one final album. this album is titled “no pressure” and is an allusion to under pressure. i’m very excited and i hope logic can end his career off nicely.

i honestly don’t think he will be retiring for good, but maybe taking a break. whatever the case may be, i hope and think that logic will be able to redeem himself.

- what’s you opinion on logic’s career as a whole?
- what are your expectations for no pressure?
- what’s your favorite logic album?
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