nobody is wearing masks at this pompeo speech :V
(strained noise in back of throat)
Pompeo says his speech aims to outline, following other officials' remarks, to the public "What the Chinese threat means for our economy, liberty and future of freedom "
"I'll echo the questions ringing in the hearts of Americans: What do American people have to show now, 50 years on, for engagement with China?"
Pompeo: "The Old paradigm of engagement with China does not get it done. We must not continue it"
man @ZhaoyinFeng @zhang_qiii how do yall transcribe, this guy talks fast
some emphasis on "Induce change" đź‘€
"The kind of engagement we have been pursuing has not brought about the kind of Change nixon wanted to induce. We resurrected China's economy only to see Beijing bite the hands that feed them"
(I am still very curious that Agriculture never gets dinged in these scolding segments that like yell at hollywood, corporate sectors lol.....)
I am out of coke zero :(
"Today China is increasingly authoritarian at home and increasingly hostile to freedom abroad"
On meeting with Yang Jiechi: "No offers to change any of the behaviors," and that Yang wanted the US to 'cave' to demands. "The CCP is a marxist-leninist regime, Xi is a true believer in this bankrupt ideology"
Pompeo: "The only way to truly change Communist China is not to act on the basis of what leaders say but how they behave"
Pompeo: "We can't treat this incarnation of China like we treat any normal country"
On students, businesses- some of which are here to study or make money, but Pompeo believes "Too many of them come here to steal intellectual property and to take them back to their country"
calls houston consulate "Hub of Spying and intellectual property theft"
I always wonder how those convos with like Nathan Law and Pompeo go, like.........

anyways, they r clapping for Wang Dan now
i think we r getting to the meat and potatoes bit

Pompeo: "Communists almost always lie. The biggest lie is that they think they speak for 1.4 billion people. "
Freedommmmmmmmmm chat

"Changing the CCP's behavior cannot be the work of the Chinese people. It's the furthest thing from easy. I have faith because we've done it before. The CCP is repeating the same mistakes of the Soviet Union"
"Look at Hong Kongers, clamoring to go abroad as the CCP tightens its grip. They wave american flags"


"Our approach isn't destined to fail because America is in decline. We just need to believe it. People aren't desperate to settle in China. "
"We must operate on the same principles, draw common lines that cannot be washed away from the CCP's bargains"

cites SCS claims, emphasis of wanting other states to be 'clean countries' and 'courage' to stand up, etc
Pompeo: 'timidity leads to historic failure'
"If we bend the knee now, our children's children may be at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party"
"Maybe it's time for a new alliance of like-minded countries"

Drops a bible verse

"Is our spirit willing but our flesh weak?"
should i buy more coke zero y/n
question out the gate from hugh hewitt on russian cooperation

pompeo: "If we work alongside Russia, we can make the world safer"
Chinese people "were too made in the image of god"

mike....thank u
"Is Tiktok capable of being weaponized?"

Pompeo: "Without singling out businesses, we're neither for nor against the company, about information that belongs to each of you to make sure the CCP doesn't have."
On state sponsored media: "I have concerns about the American media too, but these state sponsored media take their messaging. When American media takes up those storylines, they are propagating Chinese propaganda"
cites op ed i think by that dude who wrote about New York dropping the ball on covid?????
"Here's our ask" re Lebron James, etc not mentioning china enough

"if you claim to care about social justice as a part of your corporate theology, you have to be consistent, you can't be consistent in talking about CHina without talking about oppression taking place"
"We are, like Athens, a naval power, and like Sparta, China is a land power" I AM IN AWE AT THIS QUESTION BY HUGH HEWITT
DoD positioning of military capabilities - cyber, space, etc. are shifting and "this great power challenge is something we have recognized and we are reallocating your money to appropriate ends "
"This world will be governed by a rules based order and the American people will be secure"

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