What would it feel like to fall through the gas giants?
A thread
Jupiter: You would begin your journey at the high, ammonia clouds, where it is very cold (around -240 degrees F). You'd be falling very quickly due to Jupiter's stronger gravity. Eventually, you'd get to the ammonium hydrosulfide cloud layer. You'd still see the sunlight...
through the clouds. Once you fall through this cloud layer, it begins to warm up and get very dark. You see water clouds forming massive thunderstorms in the distance. You also begin to see flashes of lightning in the distance, illuminating the dark. It's starting to...
feel like room temperature at this level, which is nice, but the pressure is beginning to slowly crush your body. Once you get to the bottom of this layer, you start to feel the pressure intensify and the temperature is only rising. There is an endless abyss of...
hydrogen gas beneath you. You've been falling for a very long time. Soon the atmosphere becomes thicker, like a pool that you can swim through. However, you notice something strange. It's not exactly a liquid or a solid, but a "supercritical fluid," which is a...
combination of both. You've experienced several changes in temperature and pressure while on your descent. You are no longer in complete darkness. You begin to see that the atmosphere is now glowing. First, it's red, then yellow, and finally, white.
In the time that you've been falling, you're only 30% of the way down, but it feels like it's been an eternity. Now, you're at the metallic part of the atmosphere, experiencing 2 million atmospheres of pressure. You can still see the white-hot glow of the...
hydrogen, but it's now become so dense that it's a liquid metal. You see it convecting, generating Jupiter's strong magnetic field. By this point, most materials would instantly dissolve passing through this region, but lucky you, you brought the GOOD spacesuit. The...
temperatures have reached 18,000 degrees F at this point. You've been falling for hours now. This liquid metal ocean seems to go on forever. At this point, you're now 80% of the way down. Suddenly, you hit a "surface." You've reached the core, which weighs 25 Earth-masses.
The pressure is now an insane 25 million atmospheres.
Your journey has ended.
Saturn: In the upper layer of Saturn's atmosphere, you feel like you're skydiving on Earth, due to the similar gravity and atmospheric density. It's cold and it's yellow around you due to the atmospheric composition. The next layer of the atmosphere is browner and darker...
than before. The pressure begins to increase to 2-4 times that on Earth and you start to slow down. It's becoming warmer. You start losing sight of everything in front of you, including your own hands, because it's getting darker. The wind is picking up and there's a...
nearby lightning storm. In the final layer of Saturn's atmosphere, the temperatures are getting so high that nothing would be able to survive. You're reminded of Cassini's tragic death. Eventually you'd get to the core. It's made of an unknown material, since scientists...
are still unsure.
Your journey has ended.
Woo! That was a crazy thread! Let me know what you guys thought! Which planet would you want to fall through?✨
As always, you can give me ideas for future threads as well!
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