How to use templates in life.
A template is a preset format designed by a creator to show you how to use the product without having to build anything from scratch
A template is designed so that it can be customized to the specific needs of the user. It is not designed to be repeated or sent as it is (empty)
A template provides the framework but not the desired intention or specific text.
Anyone can use a template. Regardless of age, race, gender, location, etc.

The template is not the key. The content is the key
In life, whatever you want to achieve has probably been done by someone else.
No idea is new.

You only receive new revelations of the same idea.

Your job is to present it from your own unique angle of reasoning.
Find your template.

It could be a mentor, someone else's work, a clear method or formula so commonly shared that it looks cliché.

Add your personality and knowledge to it.

Do not copy or reproduce it. It is a template.
This can be applied to building, writing, skill acquisition, software, or the first thing that popped in your head while you read this.
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