As an autistic parent, I'm pretty vigilant.
I've saved a couple of babies & tots from potentially nasty injuries & falls in playparks & in playgroups as their parents chat away/sit on their phones, not realising their child is in trouble /1
I don't always get there in time, and a few bumps and bruises is a normal part of growing up I guess.

However, I do notice some things that others don't.
That time a family took their tiny kids to the shopping centre on scooters, for example.
One of the kids really didn't want to hang around in River Island. No-one in his family noticed he'd jetted off, out of the shop. He was so fast that I abandoned my shopping & ran after him.

He scooted far. I looked back and no-one came after him.

He stopped at the Lego shop (Well, you would, wouldn't you?!) , where I alerted the staff who agreed to watch him while I ran back to River Island, where his family emerged from the shop in tears.

I told them their child was safe & sound in the Lego shop
Then there was the time a tot went missing at playgroup.
I found him out in the car park. Everyone seemed furious at his mum, whereas I couldn't believe someone had left the safety gate open, & I tried to comfort the mum.

In these particular circumstances, I think that being highly observant & probably more safety-aware than your average person, have been advantageous.

Not sure what my point is really, but I think that being observant & perceptive are helpful qualities for childcare.

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