There were 14 unarmed black men shot by cops last year, accounting for .0004 percent of all black people arrested. Ive been reading into these cases, and even 14 it turns out is an overstatement. Some of the "victims" were shot while trying to run cops over or steal their weapons
For example, Isaiah Lewis was shot after beating an officer unconscious. Kevin Pudlik was killed after his friend driving the car he was in pinned an officer to a concrete wall. The driver was charged with Pudlik's death, not the officer. There are several cases like this.
A few of the 14 are clearly unjustified killings. Like Atatiana Jefferson, who was killed while sitting in her home. But that officer was charged with murder. All of the officers in the clearly unjustified killings have been charged.
Marzeus Scott assaulted a store clerk and then attacked the female officer who responded. Body cam footage clearly shows that he knocked her to the ground after being repeatedly ordered to stop. She tried to use a tazer first but it didnt stop the attack.
Kevin Mason was killed after sending his dog after officers who responded to a domestic violence call. Mason called 911 and explicitly threatened to come out and "kill every last" officer.
That's five of the 14 right there that are clearly justified, and to call them "unarmed" when the "unarmed" person is using a vehicle or a dog, or trying to take the officer's weapon, is just absurd.
By the way, 48 police officers were killed in the line of duty in the same year.
By my count, one of the unarmed killings in 2019 was a clearcut case of murder. That officer has been charged. Two were probably manslaughter. Those have been charged. Three others were questionable. EIGHT were obviously completely justified.
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