Qs to Dr. Henry today are basically: You’ve been universally praised for your style, decision-making and careful poise in this pandemic that has kept BC’s cases low — so when are you going to abandon all that and start yelling at people and penalizing them like little children?
Q: When are you going to take a bullhorn to the beach and start yelling at people who are standing too close to people?
Henry: Never. Not my style.
Q: Dr. Henry you have successfully guided us through this pandemic with a calm demeanour that has been celebrated across the world — so, when are you going to stop doing all that and start punishing people like the worst and most judgemental members of our society want?
Q: Dr. Henry, your empathy during this pandemic has really made BC a leader in compassionate-based health care and helped BCers buy in to your plans — so, when are you going to ride around town in a pickup truck yelling profanity-laced threats at young people with a bullhorn?
Q: Dr. Henry, you’ve been an example for all of us in discouraging public shaming and reminding us ppl are struggling during this crisis — so, when are you going to start hitting people with enormous fines and drive around the city in a pickup truck spraying people with a hose?
I mean, good grief.
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