Unpopular opinion:

Young disabled Americans born since the ADA have a very different perspective of accessibility than that of those of us that were there before the ADA and fighting for access then, and now.

#a11y #disability #advocacy
For instance - I've been "told off" for selling accessibility as being good for "everyone" (e.g. curb cuts are good for wheelchair users, parents with strollers, delivery folks with dollies, kids on skates, etc).

I need, apparently, to only push the disability agenda, because to say it's good for everyone is to "erase disabled folks"...

I get the point. But... In many ways, if the end result is that there's a curb cut, or a website is accessible, that's what counts.

The whole thing about changing people's attitudes is super important. Critical even. Because beyond physical or digital barriers, negative attitudes towards disability are a significant problem.

One thing at a time.

Having fought for accessibility since before there was a US National law about it, my perspective is very different. Not better. Not worse. Just different.

We've all got to push. All our efforts, joined, will reach more people and make a bigger difference.

What we must avoid, at all costs, is to fight between ourselves. As long as we are fragmented, we can't make headway.

"The people, united, will never be defeated" - as we used to chant at ADAPT actions.

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