"America First movement defined patriotic duty ... as isolationism in the service of preserving home, family, and ... Americanism."

It was led by "fifty to one hundred" mother's groups in major cities to protest involvement in WW2.
"It comprised a mostly female movement that by mid-1942, according to one estimate, claimed almost one million followers."

"Patriotism meant a vocal defense of the family based on isolationism, not involvement in a foreign war."
"Women in mothers’ movement believed that New Deal Democrats ... were steering US into an internationalist foreign policy that would lead inevitably to permanent cycles of global war."

"It would... [create] a society of female-headed households."
"Internationalism, she cried, was 'globaloney thinking,' and thus it was up to female patriots to prevent the Roosevelt administration from snatching sons and husbands away from families to fight in foreign wars."
"Detroit’s Mothers of the U.S.A. hung from a tree an effigy of Senator Claude Pepper of Florida, a supporter of conscription and aid to Britain."

"The next day nine mothers dressed in black staged a 'death watch.'"

"Identifying themselves as the Mothers’ Crusade to Defeat Bill 1776 ... over three hundred women participated in a series of protests that would disrupt business as usual in the House and Senate chambers for two weeks."
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