For anyone who wants to know how the Palladium test event worked today - here’s a little thread outlining the different measures. Hope it’s helpful & feel free to ask questions!
When we arrived at the Palladium we joined a queue & were asked to use our phones to scan a QR code, which then delivered a document to our phones to fill out electronically. This was for track & trace purposes. Easy peasy. Our tickets were then scanned at the door - no contact!
After that we went in & were made to stand - one by one - on a marked spot to have our temperatures checked. Minimum fuss. Normally the Palladium would then spray everyone entering in sanitiser - but as not every theatre would have one it was removed from the pilot.
We then proceeded to our seats - via the bar - which was open for a reduced service. Staff were in masks behind screens. There were floor markers to remind people to keep their distance.
At most most major entry points hand sanitiser was available. I used it on my way into the auditorium. Once here we followed a one way system to our seats. At every stage, staff were so helpful & kind.
Every other row was out of action. This was to create routes for audiences to move around more easily. In each row that was used, some seats were taken out of action to enable social distancing. At this event the capacity was 30%.
From our seat - prior to the show starting - we could order drinks from staff. The drinks came virtually straight away, delivered in bags. So easy & efficient.
We then sat down to enjoy Beverley Knight perform - all the time wearing our masks. It felt odd initially & uncomfortable, but that passed. People still whoooped & cheered! And danced!
At the interval we had to follow the one way route to the bar and toilets. The desire to retrace our steps up the aisle we’d come in from was strong - but once we got the hang of it, people followed the set route...
Then it was back to our seats - hands sanitiser used again - for the second half of @Beverleyknight’s amazing gig. She made it feel full even though there were under 700 of us. Amazing talent & a great performer!
Then the event ended & we left, very easily. The whole time I felt safe & looked after. Huge thanks to all the team at LW Theatres & @becca_kboo for pulling it together. And of course @OfficialALW for fighting the good fight! ❤️
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