Fascism & The Jewish Question: A Thread

Fascism is the most misunderstood political stance ever. Left-wingers and right-wingers keep accusing each other of being Fascists while no actual Fascism exists and a specific group of people profit: the internacional Jewish elite.
This subject is obviously way too complex to actually talk about it with great detail in Twitter of all places. My job here is to pander to those who are still undecided and make them curious enough to question what they are fed every single day.
Bellow this comment you will find links to two pro-Axis Powers documentaries which show you the Axis Powers point of view about the Second World War. These are essential for us to understand why our world is what it is today.
This is so complex that I do not really know where to start, but I will try my best. Fascism was made as an alternative to both Capitalism and Socialism. Fascism is not pro-Capitalism as many people might think. It is also not necessarily racist, either.
The political compass is not the best way to represent Fascism. Here you can see the representation of Fascism in a political test called 8values. Can you see that the economic economic axis is not to the far-right? That is because Fascism, as I have said, is not pro-Capitalism.
In simple words, the economic system of Fascism is Corporatism, which is a union of classes bonded by nationalism and indirect economic interference by the State. In some instances, Fascist States even regulated what the prices of products were going to be.
Corporatism is actually neither left-wing nor right-wing economically speaking as it is a mixture of both, which can clearly be seen in the 8values test. Therefore, if you are a left-winger who hates Capitalism, please take note that we are against it as well.
The reason as to why Fascism is generally classified as economically far-right is because Corporatism is a union of classes and maintains both social and economical hierarchies, but it is not actually far-right as I have shown you.
Also, there are many types of Corporatism. The main European Fascist States had different types of Corporatism as well. Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and German Corporatisms were all different from each other and changed throughout time.
Corporatism is not exclusive to Fascism, either. Other political ideologies have used it differently. Again, I cannot explain to you in detail what Corporatism is. However, I just wish for you to realize that Fascism is not pro-Capitalism in order for us to find common ground.
I also wish for you to realize that many people misrepresent our movement. That neo-Nazi is not an actual National Socialist. He is a degenerate just like whatever that thing on the second picture is. I despise both of them. I would even say I despise the man more.
I hope we have found some common ground now. The thing you need to understand is that you have a completely corrupted version of what Fascism truly is. You were progammed to think that us Fascists are inherently evil monstrers who wish for the murder of millions of people.
The reality is that Fascism is actually just another political stance. No one becomes a Fascist simply to be evil. Our opposition has made of us Fascists cartoon villains who are evil for the sake of being evil. They do this because Fascism is the only way to end their power.
Fascism is the fundamental laws of nature applied to modern human societies and this is why those who oppress us have made sure to destroy the very notion of Fascism to the public. They fear peoples' racial and cultural autonomy.
Fascism understands that nature has its own laws which have to be followed in order for us to coexist and those laws are the bases for hierarchy. A hierarchical State with strict orders is not evil, but rather a reflection of our very nature.
Chaos follows whenever we stop following those laws, which is why we are passing through a period of instability. Fascism understands that order is much, much more important than "freedom" and that is why it promotes an absolute, authoritarian and hierarchical State.
You must understand that concepts like "equality", "freedom" and "democracy" are fundamentally flawed. These aspects cannot be applied into human societies without creating chaos. We have to follow nature's rules. Otherwise, we are surely going to fail.
The reason as to why both left-wingers and right-wingers keep accusing each other of being "Fascists" is because both frequently are authoritarians and Fascists are authoritarians. However, many political stances which are well received act similarly, such as Socialism.
The difference is that Socialism is not badly received by the public even though it has caused way more deaths than Fascism has supposedly caused. Moreover, Socialism can actually be more authoritarian than Fascism in many cases. Fascism was demonized and lost its meaning.
In fact, I would argue that basically no one actually understands what Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism are. Honestly, I can relate to them since our current worldwide political scenario is very confusing and the names themselves do not help at all.
Nazism, another form of Fascism, is actually National Socialism. However, the "Socialism" of Hitler is not the Socialism from the left. The Soviet Union was Socialist, but was lead by the Communist Party. There are many more confusing examples and they need to be adressed.
Perhaps you may think that Socialism and Communism are just different names for the same thing. Perhaps you think that the Nazis were left-wingers. Regardless of what you think, each of these words have strict definitions which are not up for detabe.
This is a really great video for you to understand leftist political stances, such as Socialism and Communism. Please keep in mind that the video's maker is not a Fascist.
However, you may still think that Fascism is bad because it is authoritarian and has murdered people. Keep in mind that both Socialism and Communism are authoritarian as well and have actually murdered many, many more people. Do not be a hypocrite.
The fact is that everyone is an authoritarian. I do not mean a "Statist" by "authoritarian", though. I simply mean someone who wants their views enforced. Whenver someone gets into power, they do it for a cause in which they believe in. They are willing to do it.
However, one cannot do that without hurting another in a Democratic society. Someone will disagree with you and will probably try to make your life a living hell. If a conserative wishes to keep the LGBTQ+ agenda out of schools, they will receive backlash.
The conservative will be called names and will most likely lose his job. Remember that Cancel Culture exists and that it is a clear example of authoritarianism. However, the leftists who made the life of the conservative a living hell think they are doing the right thing.
Everyone uses the power available to them to its full extent in order to be as authoritarian as possible and put their political views in practice, even those who are against the very existene of the State. We will never get along. Democracy does not work.
Fascism is authoritarian, but so is every other political stance once they are given power. Democracy is a farce and ultimately becomes a two-party State which affords no actual meaningful change since the same elite controls both parties.
Why is that only authoritarianism from Fascism is bad? Why do people do not call out the authoritarianism from the left-wingers or even from Democracy itself? It is because Fascism is the only actual meaningful alternative which works.
Fascism, especially Nazism, has been misrepresented for a purpose. Fascists were the only ones who dared to question and name those who profit from our misery: the international, capitalistic, monopolist, Jewish elite.
In this video you can hear what Adolf Hitler thought about our supposed Democracies and our supposed freedom of speech:
The Weimar Republic was a complete and total mess filled with corruption and degeneracy. We are currently living in somewhat of a Weimar Republic.
Some people actually think that Adolf Hitler wanted to literally murder everyone who was not naturally tall, fair-skinned, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. These people cannot understand no one would actually do this and that it is not morally wrong to question its validity.
Why do you think debates, videos, speeches or basically any form of questioning the history of the Second World War is highly censored by the media? Were we wrong, they would let us talk about it openly and then expose us for the idiots we supposedly are.
Literally everything which is told to people about the Second World War is told only from the point of view of the winners: those who write history. That is why those two documentaries in the beginning of this thread are really important. It is not morally wrong to question.
The fact is that the history which is fed to us is completely fabricated. However, it is difficult to maintain a narrative when nearly all of it is a fabrication. That is why they do everything in their power to censor us and make monsters out of us.
I cannot simply tell you everything about the Second World War from the point of view of the Axis Powers here on Twitter since the subject is too complex, but I will tell you some information to make you question what you are told.
Both Italy and Germany were left in shambles after the First World War and only Fascism managed to bring both nations back from destruction and make them superpowers, especially Germany. Fascist Corporatism is very, very efficient.
Nazi Germany did everything to maintain both the German people and the environment healthy. They were pioneers in the environmental laws, animal rights and in the fight against tobacco. Adolf Hitler himself loved animals and was actually a vegetarian during a part of his life.
The Jewish elite has nearly total control over banks and communication platforms. The Jewish elite makes a significant percentage of the 1%. Israel is a great country that lives off of the United States of America in the middle of people who want it physically destroyed.
The Jewish elite is overrepresented in nearly every position of power. Those who control the world are not straight, White men. Otherwise, this whole scenario would not be happening. Can you not see that they are the ones behind the system and that they rule over us?
We need to understand that the Jewish elite is a common enemy to us all. There is no White privilege, but Jewish privilege is very, very real. They would not need to censor us if we were wrong.
The saddest part about all of this is that Allied Powers forces would never have set foot in France had they known what their countries would become. We have had enough wars already.

Thank you for reading.
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