The scenes in Portland are incredibly dystopian. Faceless agents attacking protesters, grabbing people off the street & throwing them in vans.

The agency carrying all this out? Border Patrol. And that’s not a coincidence.

A brief history thread:

(content warning | violence)
Border Patrol was created in 1924 as part of the Asian Exclusion and National Origin Acts, which banned all Asian immigrants and set the quotas which kept European Jews from escaping Nazism to America.

It’s been a paramilitary serving white supremacy from day 1.
The American immigration policies Border Patrol was created to enforce inspired Hitler, who celebrated that “the American Union categorically refuses the immigration of physically unhealthy elements, and simply excludes the immigration of certain races.”
Border Patrol was based in El Paso, where immigration authorities forced Mexican immigrants to strip and then covered them in gasoline, kerosene, or sulfuric acid to ‘disinfect them’.
As American authorities were poisoning naked Mexican immigrants, they were fumigating their clothing with Zyklon B, a deadly practice that DIRECTLY INSPIRED the creation of Zyklon B gas chambers by the Nazis.
In the 1950’s, Border Patrol carried out ‘Operation Wetback’.

They literally just rounded up a million people they thought *looked Mexican*.

They put people in camps *they described* as concentration camps.
Hundreds of thousands of people were crammed into cargo ships described by investigators as “eighteenth-century slave ships”, and hundreds died.

The head of Border Patrol at the time? A few decades earlier, he had literally murdered a Mexican teenager. Went on to lead the NRA.
Border Patrol’s violence and abuse has changed shape over time, but it’s never stopped.

It’s been building towards concentration camps at the border, families torn apart, the end of asylum, and all the other atrocities we’re fighting against today.
Throughout it all, Border Patrol agents continue to be Trump’s loyal brownshirt paramilitary. They were the only federal union to endorse Trump. Their endorsement, with the change of two words, would have fit perfectly in 1930’s Germany:
“[Germans] deserve to benefit for once instead of always paying and apologizing. Our current political establishment has bled this country dry... they know [Hitler] is the only candidate who actually threatens the established powers that have betrayed this country.”
Border Patrol agents in Portland are not going rogue, they’re doing their job: defending white supremacy one cracked skull at a time. What’s different now is that their violence is out in the open, and being directed at white citizens.
This is not just about Portland. This is happening all across the country. If you live in a major city, Border Patrol is coming for you, whether it’s this week or this month or this year.

Make sure your community is ready.
Right now Border Patrol is terrorizing Portland, but they’ve been a white supremacist paramilitary for almost 100 years.

Here’s a brief history of Border Patrol and the polices they’ve enforced, inspiring Hitler & leading to Nazi gas chambers:
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