Kirishima is the kind of person that when the class wants to throw a surprise party for Bakugou and they won’t listen to him saying it’s a bad idea, he agrees only if he’s the one who fetches him.

That’s when he tells him what’s up so he won’t be overwhelmed.
Nobody realizes (or if they do, the don’t know how bad) Bakugou has PTSD from all that’s happened to him and so he doesn’t take surprise well. But Kirishima does and he tells him and tells him just to get explodey like he usually does so they think it worked.
Bakugou walks in, takes the surprise and then explodes and tackles the idiots in the front by threatening to kill them. Nobody suspects anything.

And Kirishima doesn’t have to see the twinkle of fear in his eyes.
His friend finds him later taking a break from the party on the steps outside. He sits next to him, bumping their shoulders lightly.

“Thanks, Shitty Hair.” He says very quietly.

Kirishima just smiles.
Kirishima notices Midoriya’s in the middle of a panic attack while they’re going through a training exercise. He had been breathing kind of weird before and sounded kind of winded.
He played it off as nervous, but Kirishima realized when he just started scribbling nonsense into his notebook. It seemed like just typical Midoriya, but Kirishima only sees squiggling on those lines.
Kirishima immediately fakes like he’s going to puke. Really plays it up and leans closer into Midoriya, touching arms.

He doesn’t know if Aizawa sees it then, but their teacher does tell Midoriya to assist Kirishima to the nurse and that’s enough.
As soon as they are out of sight, Kirishima tugs Midoriya into a safe niche, sits them both down on the floor and just stars breathing.

Shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, leg to leg, he takes deep, long breaths. Keeps it up until Midoriya joins and for a long time after.
Kirishima says nothing, even when it feels like Midoriya can breath again. A head falls to his shoulder and he slides his arm around his waist when he feels tears soaking into his sleeve.
They don’t go back to class.

Kirishima finds a notebook filled with anything to do with Crimson Riot two days later.
When Kirishima has trouble sleeping, he goes and makes a glass of something warm to fill his belly.

That’s how he finds Momo hunched over one of the study tables, balling her eyes out.

“It won’t be enough, it won’t be finished before tomorrow! Stupid, stupid Momo-”
Kirishima slowly closes the swinging door to the kitchen and quickly makes two cups of hot tea with milk and lots of honey. He makes sure it’s the kind with caffeine.
He takes both cups out to Momo who jumps when she sees him and he sets it down in front of her before sitting down and sliding some of the papers away from her to start working on. He copies the key as best as he can, not saying a word.
He takes a sip of tea which motivates his table company back into movement. She takes a sip too and starts working. Her sniffles slowly disappear.
2 hours before he needs to wake up for class, he finishes his pile. Three cups of tea one his side, four on Momo’s and everything is finished. He looks over to smile at her only to find her sleeping soundly.
He quietly scoops her, laying her on the couches and using one of the left down blankets to cover her. He goes back to pack and clean everything nicely before going and sitting on the floor, against the crease of the couch next to Momo. Setting an alarm for both of them.
They both have a hellish school day, but they make it through. He immediately rushes to the kitchen after the school day ends so he can bring a cup of sleeping tea to Momo in her dorm.
She kisses his cheek with a happy, drowsy smile.

A limited edition Crimson Riot figure appears in his room five days later.
After a while of being friends, Kirishima realize Raka buys only the minimal amount for herself.

He’s noticed a few times, when they all go to the mall to hang out. She will stop and look in the window at something. For a lot longer than just something that catches her eye.
She looks and tilts her head and stares some more. And then she will just continue on.

When he’s asked her about it, she simply told him, “I don’t really need it.”
He’s caught her on the phone before, fussing at someone like, “I told you guys I didn’t need any money! I’m sending it back, the school covers everything I swear!”
And she’s right, to some degree. All of their primary needs are covered. But if they want snacks or to go out, that’s all up to them.

He remembers how minimal Raka’s room looked during the room competition.
He knows where her designated stash should be in the cabinet, so he starts putting stuff in it. It’s no big deal. He just doesn’t get snacks just for him. At first he’s just putting random things in there until he asks around and sees some of the things she stops to look at.
He doesn’t even really think any thing of it. It kind of just habit of throwing a couple things in there until one day he’s unloading groceries and Raka comes bursting in, pointing a finger while he’s in her cabinet and hisses, “you!”
She tugs him by his arm, not letting go until she’s dragged him up three stairwells and suddenly they are on the roof. She brings him to the edge, just as the sun is meeting the edge of the earth and it’s absolutely breathtaking.
“I didn’t know how to give back because I didn’t know who was doing it. I don’t even think you were being sneaky, but you’ve been doing this for like months and I just...”

She sniffles and rubs her face with a fist.
When she looks at him again, it’s with a smile and eyes full of mirth.

“This is my favorite getaway spot no one knows about. I was keeping it a secret, but you’re allowed here too from now on. You’re only allowed to bring one firey, explosion boy up here.”
She kisses his blushing cheek and pats his shoulder, before turning around to walk back down.

“You’re a really amazing guy, Kirishima.” She says as the door shut.

He stays to watch the sunset.
He comes home late from a patrol with Fat and Tamaki-senpai.

That’s how he runs into Tokoyami in the courtyard.

“Whoa!” He yells, flailing, slow motion falling back towards the ground.

He braces for impact, prepared to harden his ass for a lesser clash.

A gust of wind blows by him instead and suddenly he’s standing straight up, like nothing happened.
Two pairs of eyes glow vividly in the moonlight.

“Oh! Hey Tokoyami! Thanks Dark Shadow!”

Dark Shadow makes a little sound, bumping against Kirishima’s outstretched fist before slipping back under Tokoyami’s cloak.
Tokoyami nods in greeting. “I bid you good evening, Kirishima. Seems like your internship finished rather late.”

Kirishima rubs the back of his head with a smile. “Yeeeeah. Busy night. But I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

He punches his fist together with a click.
Then he thinks about it.

“Hey, wait. what are you doing out here? I’m allow to sleep in and take extra lessons if I come back late, but you have early class tomorrow, don’t you?”
Tokoyami’s cloak flutters in the late night gust, shaking his clothes, and the feathers across his face and head.

He looks to the moon.
“...I’m sadden to admit on evenings like these I have trouble lulling myself into slumber. Something about the bright moonlight messes with Dark Shadow and my insomnia.”
As if to prove his point, Dark Shadow makes a tiny coo, peaking out from under his cloak.

Kirishima drops his hand. “Aw man. That’s no good. Have you tried going to Recovery Girl to see if she could give you something...?”
Tokoyami nods solemnly. “It works most times, but I still have nights like these occasionally.”

His hand moves. Kirishima thinks he may be stroking Dark Shadow.
“I must admit, nights like these make me miss the convenience of being with my family.”
Kirishima tilts his head in confusion and Tokoyami must sense it. “Ah. Most of my family struggles sleeping through the night. It wasn’t uncommon to find someone among the awake for company.”

“Oh hey!” Kirishima jumps a little with excitement. “I could keep you company!”
He watches Tokoyami’s eyes go wide. Dark Shadow makes a confused noise.

“Ah- I did not say that to make you feel compelled. In no way do I wish to keep you awake for something I’m rather used to-”
Kirishima cuts him off. “Dude no, it’s not like that! I told you, I get to sleep in for coming in late. It works out perfectly! I probably wouldn’t be able to go right to sleep anyways. Too much adrenaline, you feel?”
Tokoyami makes the smallest of huffs, but slowly relents.

Kirishima thinks he might be smiling. It’s too dark to tell.
“Very well. I will not refuse the company you so generously offer.”

The red-head grins. “Awesome dude! So what’ll it be? Wanna go in watch a movie? Maybe keep strolling around and chat?”
Tokoyami’s cloak flutters as he spins around.

“A walk under the moonlight sounds perfect.”

Kirishima follows him with a grin. Petting Dark Shadow who peeks out again with a chirp.
Kirishima makes sure to look off his balcony for Tokoyami on full moons.

He’ll find a coupon for his favorite hotpot restaurant after nights spent walking through the gardens.
“Class 1-A! The festival is planned to commence in two weeks and not a single booth has been built! It is our duty as students of one of the most prestigious schools to set examples for all the other classes and have work finished ahead of schedule-”
The class president continues droaning on as the rest of the class packs up. They’re supposed to stay an extra half hour to help with festival activities, but from the looks of it, nobody plans to stay unless Aizawa enforces it.
Maybe Iida’s friends and the class vice-president if they weren’t pulled away for hero work.
“Yeah, no. Fuck that. I’m gone.” Bakugou throws over his shoulder, the first one to leave the meeting before schedule.

He’s been overly cranky lately. Kirishima makes a note to check on him later.
“For once in my life I agree with him. I’m not going to stay back and help a 𝘨𝘶𝘺 if Yaoyorozu won’t be here to praise me.”

Mineta start salivating down his chin up until Jirou comes by to kick him out of the doorway.
Over his groans she says, “Sorry Iida, I had plans with my family this weekend or else I would.”

Her excuse starts generating many excuses until it’s just Iida, Kirishima still at their desks while Mina, Hanta, and Denki hover at the door.
“Eiji, you coming...?” Mina calls to him softly.

Kirishima takes a quiet look at Iida who has given up on getting help from anyone.
He’s sitting down in his desk, sketching out the plans for the stands he probably plans to build alone.

“Nah. You guys go on ahead. I’ll catch you later.”
Mina shrugs and they all leave, Kirishima packs up his stuff, leaving it his chair before walking over to stand in front of Iida.

When he looks up, he almost looks startled to see him.
Kirishima smiles. “C’mon dude. I’m like part hammer - I was made for this. Just put me to work boss!”

It takes a minute, but the class president smiles.

He pushes up his glasses.
“Well, before anything, we will need to carry down all the materials to the designated area and also all the accessories, and decorations-”

Kirishima flexes a hardened arm. “Let’s get to it, dude!”
Later, he surprises Iida with the rest of the class coming down to help. After a few Snapchat posts with him and Iida laughing while he records them flicking paint at each other.

He hands Bakugou a paintbrush when he appears fashionably late.
“Paint it like an explosion, dude!”

He makes eye contact with Iida over his shoulder and they share a smile.
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