If public schools insist on not re-opening until it's 100% perfectly safe (i.e. never) because they are beholden to teachers unions, we really should just defund them and give the money back to parents so they can arrange private education, tutors, daycare, homeschool pods, etc.
For K-8, education via Zoom is a total farce. If that's the best public schools can offer, lol don't bother, just give us the money back.
Frankly, I'm not sure I'd want my child being taught by someone who fought tooth and nail against having to actually do their job. I'm talking about the teachers who drove past my apt building yesterday with signs protesting the city's plans to even partly re-open schools.
This whole article is infuriating. If you don't feel compelled to do your job, fine! But why am I required to pay your salary anyway? Who is doing the compelling here? https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2020/07/23/teachers-mantra-i-am-not-a-child-care-provider-1302903
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