who are some of the best underrated Laker follows on here? let's shine some light on those doing great things but not getting the exposure they deserve.
Fine since you all were NO help. Some Laker follows you should be following if you aren’t already...
Everyone at @LakersSBN. Being able to work alongside everyone there I can vouch for their work ethic, attention to detail and thoughtfulness when it comes to their work.
Everyone at @LakersOutsiders. Have enjoyed their player series, are all really talented/nice and deserve some more love. Also, their graphics ( @dillonhiser) are 🔥
@ShowtimeForum does a great job of finding a ton of content you might have missed and does it consistently.
Individuals like @TheLakersReview, @UnwrittenRul3s, the entire crop of Lakers’ draft twitter and so many more.
There is the living robot/resource that is @Tim_NBA ( @The_BBall_Index ) who will get snatched up by a team literally any second now.
Also the legends aka @LakerFilmRoom and @forumbluegold. Fanbase is very fortunate to have had these two for this long. Does this make them old? Tough to say.
There are SO, SO many more out there doing fantastic, insightful work. Keep sharing their work and give them the attention they deserve.
You can follow @AlexmRegla.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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