My love for Michelle, Mama, Earp nee Gibson is so boundless and unconstrained I'm afraid my 98th #Wait4Wynonna is just going to be a structureless binge of me going

But I just *looooove* her 😍

She's the best thing about #WynonnaEarp Season 3 for me, by a country MILE
The character has been so mythologized that I thought whoever was cast (and do you remember the five minutes when we thought it might be Lucy Lawless?!) couldn't possibly do the character justice.


Megan Follows is knock-down stand-out specTACular as Michelle.
She is a complex, difficult, tragic figure - with ten times the depth and ten times the heroism than Wyatt ever manages, for me.

Make the time to check out the captioning on this 'cap. A throwaway line - but things with Ward were *so* bad...

But she was there. And she stayed.
And either the hell she walked through - or more likely, something in the stubborn as a mule lineage of the Gibsons (see also: Gus, Wynonna, Waverly - even Willa) - has her treading a fine line between survival skills, and cruelty.

This is Wynonna's hallucination of her, true.
But you wanna bet her kicking Wynonna's ass all the way to rescuing Waverly wasn't a true reflection of how Mama Earp Mama'd?

Wanna bet that she didn't do this too - love her daughters with all the heart and regret she's capable of, when one of them chooses the harder path.
She's her daughters' mother.

And, whilst you can see her goodness and kindness and self-sacrifice in Waverly - I think we've got to say it's the similarities with Wynonna that really stand out.
She's find of a drink.

(And yes, I would very much like this jumper for Christmas please, thank you very much 😍)
Not afraid of (not afraid of?! Bloody loves 😁) a good ol' scrap

No stranger to the authorities - and not afraid of the consequences of fighting the fights that really need to be fought.

Or - afraid, but willing to do it anyway?
She is SMART.

An under-appreciated quality in Wynonna. Understandably, in the shadow of little-sister's genius.

But I'll die on this hill - Wynonna is ten times as smart as her daddy ever was - and Michelle's where she got it.
Interestingly, I also think she's on some sort of the same wavelength as Doc, too.

Not because she likes him - I think because she sees right through him.

Anyway, they've got chemistry for days - and I love how nervous she makes him. Perhaps he realises he's been seen.
And she is, of course, a warm and fierce and loving mother.

Open minded as Wynonna was (more, in that she didn't even kick off about the cop line) (and, yes. Ouch then - Ward - but fucking ouch now - The World. Or should I say, a number or us only just now noticing The World.)
Recognisably, humanly, and hilariously mother-like in obsessing about the Christmas dinner whilst her children have conniptions of heritage and history all around her.

But that's love, again, of a type.

And that's what I love about her. That's what I love about her daughters.
That's what I love about this show.

That's what I love about #WynonnaEarp , and that's what (at our best) I love about this fandom, and that's why - whatever is thrown at us come Sunday, I will always, always, have a special place in my heart for these 3 extraordinary women.

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