1/ I think the 2020s could be the American resurgence under five conditions:

+ reform immigration
+ reform the tax code
+ reform criminal justice system
+ *light* UBI
+ POTUS under <60 years old

Not as crazy as it sounds. And consistent with most libertarian ethos.
2/ "woah, woah, f-ing woah! never going to happen!"

Not so fast. Crisis creates opportunity, and we've got a whole menu of crises to pick from to start off the decade. We're better positioned than most to capitalize.
3/ a) immigration reform.

we may need the current entrenched interests in DC to literally die off so that a) the right cuts its white supremacy policies or implodes, b) the left stops raping (then forgetting) immigrants for votes.

after that, we should COMPETE for talent.
4/ how to compete:

+ automatic visas for U.S. college grads, progressive immigration tax on wealthier entrants, tax *incentives* for immigrant founders, amnesty for kids
+ tighten up borders and expel violent criminals

immigration is an american core competency!
5/ how to compete:

the rest of the developed world has a demographics problem. there's no choice for many countries, but to improve their demographics via immigration of a younger population.

the alternative is decades of deflation a la Japan.

the U.S. should widen its lead!
6/ b) tax reform.

a progressive tax code is good, but our implementation is a joke. we should incinerate it and rebuild from scratch. no sacred cows.

setting aside the tax *cuts*, this was one thing trump admin did well (e.g. hike standard deduction and kill some itemized.)
7/ tax reform:

+ kill LT vs. ST cap gains? 25% tax on investment income & gains
+ 75% estate tax on >$10 million (the only socialism i like because your kids don't earn shit)
+ close foreign tax loopholes for individuals and companies

(curious what else could be interesting?)
8/ crim justice reform:

+ the tide has turned on bloated policing, and out of shape / ill-equipped / poor performing officers; "defund the police" = pay great ones more, fire the rest, use savings for community programs.
+ end regressive bail
+ commute 10% of drug sentences / yr
9/ heavily tax and regulate drugs with proceeds to treatment, education, community reinvestment, etc.

put some of the big pharma execs (Sacklers) in jail for life for sparking heroin catastrophe (GIVE THE MOB ITS BLOOD SACRIFICE).
10/ UBI aka "the freedom dividend"

We have a limited window to offer this, it's a libertarian supported idea, it would quell significant unrest, make coordinated action like shutdowns simpler, AND we can actually do it with the dollar reserve. https://www.yang2020.com/what-is-freedom-dividend-faq/
11/ Everyone else is screwed too, so we have a limited window to print helicopter money at low CPI levels and grow our way out of the current crisis.

China is a debt mess. Japan is a deflationary mess. Europe is a political mess.

We could narrowly get away w/ debt monetization.
12/ This last point flies in the face of bitcoin's ethos. To be clear, bitcoin does well with or without a strong dollar.

But there's strong BTC, strong U.S. (yay!)
And strong BTC, imploding U.S. (move to a citadel)

I'd rather stick around for pax Americana part deux.
13/ Going back to earlier in the thread, this is probably only possible with a strong, transcendental leader at the top, and the destruction of one of both of the major political parties. (Not to mention their propaganda machines and "news" apparatus.)

We need a younger POTUS.
14/ Most of the above are 60-40 (or better) policies in terms of popularity. Radical centrism > status quo.

I think the only way we dominate the 2020s is with a straight up alpha in the white house like The Rock or Jocko Willink (no sarcasm) that will bang some skulls together.
15/ As an illustration of that:

I have two boys that love each other but beat each other up. Sometimes you have to yell at them and physically put them in time out. Then let them hug it out.

We need a "hug it out, bitch" POTUS. ASAP.
16/ YES, this may SEEM like wishful thinking. But, you can always count on Americans to do the right thing after all other options have been exhausted.

I'm banking on all this fucked up 2020 bullshit being the final gasoline on the common sense reform fires.
17/ If I'm wrong, I'm moving to a citadel. But I'd prefer it if we all got our shit together instead. 🙃
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