Republicans have been calling Speaker Pelosi’s H.R. 6800 a “Socialist Wish List,” so let’s take a moment to examine what’s really #InTheBill.

Here is a countdown of the 10 “greatest hits” of the most harmful and ridiculous provisions in the so-called “HEROES Act”:
The 10th spot in our countdown:

H.R. 6800 eliminates the $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions, which provides a windfall for high-income residents in high tax states while raising taxes on struggling small businesses by limiting deductibility of losses.
Coming in at # 9 in our countdown:

H.R. 6800 extends the $600-per-week unemployment bonus through the end of January 2021. Combined with state unemployment support, the enhanced benefits in H.R. 6800 incentivize workers to stay home and drive up costs for goods and services.
Holding the 8th place in our countdown:

H.R. 6800 would provide a $25 billion bailout to the U.S. Postal Service without requiring any much-needed long-term reforms.
Number 7: H.R. 6800 provides $10M for the National Endowment for the Arts, $10M for the National Endowment for the Humanities, and $5M for the Institute for Museum and Library Services. There is little hope of this money being spent to help working Americans.
Coming in at number 6:

Speaker Pelosi’s socialist wish list includes $50 MILLION for “Environmental Justice” Grants, which will block business development, reduce economic opportunity for underserved and disadvantaged communities, and needlessly slow our Great American Comeback.
Halfway through our top-10, in the # 5 spot:

H.R. 6800 serves as a federal takeover of our election system and opens up our elections to fraud and interference.
Holding spot # 4:

H.R. 6800 would place onerous and unworkable new costs on the shoulders of our nation’s small businesses at a time when they can least afford it, including a full-year extension of what was supposed to be a temporary mandate.
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