If we are relegated some #afcb fans will look for a scapegoat. These 7 tweets tell you who.

Donā€™t blame Eddie. Itā€™s not his fault. Neither is it Ryan Fraserā€™s despite what some say. Max & Jeff are not the culprits.

No. Only one person is responsible and that person is... 1/7
ME! Yes, me. I apologise unreservedly to all fans of #afcb.

ā€œHow can it possibly be your fault?ā€, I hear you ask, not unreasonably either. Iā€˜m not on the payroll (sadly), just a lifelong fan.

ā€œSo what did you do?ā€, a voice at the back enquires.

Well, itā€™s like this... 2/7
When we were promoted in 2015 I painted my garden gate like an #afcb shirt. NB: only the inside as I live near Portsmouth. (Iā€™m not an idiot!).

However, the gate is under a tree, a favourite roosting spot for local pigeons. Pompey pigeons are right hard nuts. They... 3/7
... only drink neat paint stripper. After four seasons of ornithological onslaughts of paintstripping pigeon poo the gate was looking worse for wear so I removed it last summer with the intention of refreshing it before the first #afcb game of 2019/20.

Unfortunately... 4/7
... other projects got in the way (build summerhouse, re-do patio, lay 120ā€™ brick path, grandchildren, etc) and it just sat in the garage stripped bare bar a fresh coat of primer.

I am SO sorry Bournemouth. I didnā€™t mean it to happen.

But all is not lost for #afcb .... 5/7
... as there is one game to go. #AFCB players are ready and know what is required.

And... Iā€™ve repainted the gate in the nick of time.

Itā€™s awaiting a new (large size) logo sticker to arrive and I will camouflage the hinges but at least it is on. And with an extra stripe! 6/7
I wonā€™t have a number this time as it caused confusion. (I donā€™t live at No 12!) Also, itā€™s the front of the shirt. No sponsor! I donā€™t like sponsors.

If I had any artistic skill Iā€™d paint the new graduated stripes but i havenā€™t.

Letā€™s hope Iā€™m not too late!

#afcb šŸ‘šŸ’ 7/7
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