1/18 Ireland and the UK, are they working together? Irish LGBTQ+ NGO ShoutOut held a panel discussion in October 2019 in Dublin called QUEERING THE CURRICULUM.
2/18 A speaker at the QUEERING THE CURRICULUM event was Wren Dennehy,aka Avoca Reaction, a Queer Performer. He performed Drag Storytime at the recent children’s festival Cruinniú na nÓg, run by Creative Ireland, of which Tania Banotti (gg-niece of Michael Collins) is the Director
3/18 Another speaker at the QUEERING THE CURRICULUM event was Cecelia Gavigan -Chairperson of INTO LGBT+ Teachers' Group; Primary School Teacher @ BalbrigganETNS; Workshop Presenter at recent INTO Equality Conference, where Elly Barnes of Educate&Celebrate was the keynote speaker
4/18 This idea of ‘QUEERING THE CURRICULUM’ is also the goal of the UK's Educate&Celebrate which Elly Barnes' colleague, Anna Carlile, explains - they want to weave LGBTQ+ through EVERY subject, 'WEAVING IT THROUGH THE CURRICULUM ALL YEAR LONG'.
5/18 Controversial figure Peter Tatchell is a Patron of Educate&Celebrate. Tatchell and Elly Barnes have given 15 demands to the British Government on reforming the RSE (Sex-Ed). Tatchell has been advising LGBTQ+ activists &politicians in Ireland on the reform of Ireland's Sex-Ed
6/18 2018 The Irish establishment embraced Tatchell. At Dublin Pride with Minister for Children RodericO’Gorman; spoke at the NXF Dublin Pride Debate; was interviewed by GCN's Brian Finnegan. Finnegan now works, with SocDems Brian Sheehan, at LGBTI NGO ILGA, funded by Jon Stryker
7/18 As early as August 2018 Elly Barnes' Educate&Celebrate have been working with the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO). Their goal - queering the curriculum and smashing heteronormativity. L-R Hillary Egan (INTO), Elly Barnes, Alison Gilliland (INTO).
8/18 In 2016 John Gilmore-Kavanagh(speaker in photo)was a lecturer @ CCCUniversity UK & Board Member of Léargas, apptd by Irish Education Minister. 2016 Gilmore-Kavanagh, Co-Chair of CCCq, organised a panel discussion ‘Re-Radicalising Queers' with PeterTatchell as keynote speaker
9/18 In the ‘Re-Radicalising Queers’ discussion, speakers included Peter Tatchell, and Stonewall’s Director of Campaigns Policy & Research, Paul Twocock. Destructing the 'hetero-patriarchy within society' was discussed. Elly Barnes also lectured in CCCU's 2016 LGBT History Month
10/18 The INTO LGBT Teachers’ Group have acknowledged UK’s Stonewall, for permitting the use of their slogan ‘Different Families, Same Love’. This has been used in Irish primary schools to teach SPHE/RSE (Sex-Ed).
11/18 Youth Work Ireland’s current President, Deborah Fakeye, tweets about Stonewall UK funding her to travel to Brimingham in 2019. John Gilmore-Kavanagh was the President of Youth Work Ireland from 2010 – 2013.
12/18 YWI and Deborah Fakeye are campaigning on reforming Sex-Ed in Ireland and Fakeye has said that the NCCA have chosen YWI to be its ‘critical friend’. In December 2018 Fakeye tweets about discussing reforming Sex-Ed at GOOGLE Headquarters, Dublin.
13/18 June 2018 Ger Halbert, an Education Officer for the NCCA (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment), tweeted about Peter Tatchell. Ger and John Halbert (Acting Deputy Chief Executive at NCCA) have been working on developing Student Voice in Irish schools.
14/18 1st Nov 2019 John Gilmore-Kavanagh was a contributor at Youth Work Ireland’s Sexual Positive Health Conference in Mansion House Dublin. Children aged 14+ attended. Issues discussed were Holistic Sex-Ed, consent, porn, PrEP.
15/18 Several days ago, John Gilmore-Kavanagh, recent Grand Marshal of Dublin Pride, posed this question:
16/18 Dr. Ciara Kelly has provided airtime to the LGBT+ community’s drive to reform the Sex-Ed. In this video she interviews 2 of the participants in YWI’s Positive Sexual Health Conference of Nov 2019 at which John Gilmore-Kavanagh was a contributor. https://twitter.com/NewstalkFM/status/1189998978474995712
17/18 The controversy continues regarding Educate&Celebrate’s CEO Elly Barnes’ keynote speech in Feb 2020, at the INTO Equality Conference at the Clayton Hotel in Wexford. Peter Tatchell is a Patron of Educate&Celebrate.
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