Don't tell me "It might be dangerous for teachers to go to school" as justification for keeping schools closed.

It is equally or more dangerous to work in any retail establishment, but those workers show up anyway.

Tell me why you don't *have* to be in school.
Tell me why remote learning is not going to be the giant vacuum of development and learning that it was all spring. Tell me how teachers will be as responsive and involved and accountable as they would be in the building. That is the standard we are applying throughout the
economy: people go to work if they can't do their job remotely. If we learned anything in the spring, it is that American education (certainly below high school) is entirely unable to function remotely. Whether that is an issue of technology, or training, or curriculum or a
combination of these and other factors, it was an absolute disaster. If you want to make the argument that schools should be closed to protect teachers, then you need to demonstrate that schools will function a whole lot better than they did in the spring.
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