Starting now! Come join us. #DH2020
. @mkgold Notes silver lining of virtual meeting: more people can come than usual! . @achdotorg is US-based, but we do have international membership. Goal of sharing DH as work that's part of social, cultural, political context and taking that seriously. #DH2020
. @mkgold ACH has exec council (elected), serve 3-year terms and work on behalf of org. They join committees (affiliations, communication, membership, conference coordinating, infrastructure, mentoring, advocacy); ACH exec meet regularly via listserv, quarterly via Zoom. #DH2020
. @kfitz: ACH officers also elected; president and VP/pres-elect system. Also have secretary, treasurer, communications officer. @mkgold: Thanks to outgoing exec members, @MickiKaufman @Literature_Geek and @scott_bot. #DH2020
. @veek notes that an ACH exec term is FOUR years, not three -- it's a long-term commitment! #DH2020
. @kfitz notes that outgoing president @mkgold was the first VP/pres-elect in the new system of ACH officers. Matt has done significant work in helping reshape ACH's relationship to @adho in the new organizational structure. #DH2020
. @kfitz Thanks to incoming exec @stilettobrarian @walshbr and @ClevelandKimchi. Also first co-VPs who proposed doing the role together, myself and @roopikarisam. We're sharing one seat, one vote, and have to agree. #DH2020
. @kfitz Would need bylaws revision for a co-President since president role is explicit in bylaws in way VP-ship isn't, so membership would need to vote if we move forward with co-presidency. . @mkgold Props to generous thinking in this model, collaboration vs competition. #DH2020
. @mkgold New members mentioned being inspired to run for exec due to experience at #ACH2019 in Pittsburgh. Had concern about negative impact on global conference, but has had opposite effect, invested people in ACH as org, and by extension @ADHOrg. #DH2020
. @mkgold Shout-out again to the program committee for ACH 2019, @jenguiliano @roopikarisam @adlangmead for its ongoing positive effect. @kfitz Conference committee put together a bid request, plan was for ACH 2021 to be in Houston. "In the meantime, things have happened." #DH2020
. @kfitz Planning two events instead: virtual #ACH2021, Houston #ACH2022 ("what we hope will be a safe and responsibly-held in-person meeting." Committee was all willing to take this work on, recognize that this change was necessary. 2021 is "too much of a guess". #DH2020
. @kfitz Hope everyone will attend and participate in #DH2020; how has it gone? What should we borrow, do differently? Really actually want to hear your thoughts about what a virtual #ACH2021 might look like.
. @mkgold ACH recently issued statement in support of #BlackLivesMatter : Taking this very seriously, looking at our practices, recognize that this work is ongoing. Wanted to not just create strong statement, but serious of action steps. #DH2020
. @kfitz Beginning with hiring an outside consultant to review our structures and processes. Strong plans for expanding mentorship program, focus on development and support of more diverse scholarly community. All hinge on feedback from this consultant. #DH2020
. @kfitz ACH will seek your input and involvement as we follow up on our action steps from our #BlackLivesMatter statement. #DH2020
. @kfitz Infrastructure committee: key thing has been establishment of member database. This will take over membership process from Oxford University Press. Can still register w/ or w/o subscription to journal, but process will be directly with ACH. #DH2020
. @kfitz Infrastructure committee also resurrected lost DH Q&A website. Found database and cache of static HTML files. Thanks to @suttonkoeser and @Literature_Geek, material placed in GitHub. Would love member involvement in making this material even more usable. #DH2020
. @mkgold Affiliations committee: ACH has long had affiliations with orgs like MLA, AHA, ASA, but in Nov 2019 put out call for new liaison volunteers, welcomed 5 liaisons from various different orgs in Feb. Add'l call in June for regional affiliates. #DH2020
. @mkgold 7 new regional affiliates resulting from June call for ACH affiliates. Enormous expansion of connection with other groups/orgs. Thinking through how to amplify existing connections, share information, open up opportunities. #DH2020
. @mkgold If you're part of a scholarly, regional org, or interest group that'd benefit from having a formal relationship with ACH, please get in touch. #DH2020
. @pmhswe ACH comms: newsletter (3x/year, may be more often: want to use newsletter and Twitter to amplify scholars of color in the community). Twitter account is @achdotorg. Twitter is primary channel for announcements. #DH2020
. @pmhswe ACH comms have promoted conference, exec council elections. Shout-out to @kfitz @nolauren @paigecmorgan @suttonkoeser, and @Literature_Geek who takes care of the DH Slack. Discontinuing FB page was another major decision. #DH2020
. @pmhswe ACH comms is also working on internal documentation, working w/ infrastructure on how we steward various platforms over time. #DH2020
. @kfitz If you have recommendations for consultants who we might engage for next steps from our #BlackLivesMattters statements, please get in touch. #DH2020
. @mkgold Shout-out to @Literature_Geek for creating and maintaining the DH Slack, not just for ACH members but for DH scholars more widely. #DH2020
. @mkgold @ADHOrg underwent major governance change last year; used to have large steering committee, votes not evenly divided, ACH/EADH had most votes. Now, one-constituent-org-one-vote model. Created CO board (policy, appointments, issues), exec board (day-to-day work) #DH2020
. @mkgold Much of work this year has been creating actual working relationships and processes to help ADHO move forward. Restructuring of committees. When you see openings w/in ADHO for positions (e.g. deputy secretary, deputy treasurer) consider stepping up. #DH2020
. @mkgold ADHO has had heavy concentration of leadership from ACH and EADH over the years; COB is committed to rotating presidency. @igalina of @Red_HD will rotate in as president-elect of ADHO CO board this year, and president next year. #DH2020
. @mkgold @ADHOrg has also released their own statement and action plan in response to #BlackLivesMatter ; important step for ADHO to take, and excited about the work that will come out of it. #DH2020
. @kfitz Question about whether there'll be a formal call for consultants? Good idea, we'll put together such a call and share it with the community. #DH2020
Question about ACH affiliates: is there a list on the website? @veek is making a note of it -- we'll be sure to update the website to promote these relationships. . @kfitz notes infrastructure committee will overhaul website; let us know if you have suggestions. #DH2020
Question: are there ways non-elected members can get invovled throughout the year? . @kfitz Absolutely, most committees would benefit from much wider representation & involvement. Lots of work to be done. Will ask committee chairs to do outreach to membership. #DH2020
. @kfitz: If you have interest and want to get involved, get in touch with ACH proactively. Email addresses on the website for various committees. But hoping committees can articulate their work and opportunities for volunteers from the community. #DH2020.
. @mkgold Using the newsletter under @pmhswe leadership to share work of committee; if you see things in the newsletter you like or could contribute to, please get in touch! Also, lots of opportunities to help with ACH 2021 and 2022! #DH2020
Question: what does the work of affiliates entail? @mkgold For longstanding relationships like MLA/AHA, often have sponsored panel. For newer orgs, still in discussion what will be involved. How can connections w/ affiliates support our antiracist work? #DH2020
. @mkgold For regional organizations, there's a lot of potential to build up a two-way conversations; looking forward to doing more of that work. #DH2020
Question about mentoring events, newcomer dinners, etc. @kfitz This is greatest lost of in-person events. Mentoring committee is working on an active plan with things over the course of the year. Involving more "social welcoming moments" into virtual experiences. #DH2020
Question: has there been any reflection after ADHO conference about how whether alternating-year conference reduces participation in ADHO? @kfitz: Was reduced North American participation, but various factors including travel & funding. Hope it isn't ongoing factor. #DH2020
. @kfitz Ongoing discussion with other regional organizations about relationship between regional event and international events. Other regional organizations have had annual events w/o reducing participation in international community. #DH2020
. @mkgold With over 1200 registratns at #DH2020, lots of opportunity around virtual and hybrid confrences that can be considered from both the ADHO and ACH side. @jenguiliano notes submissions for in-person DH 2020 were comparable to past conferences, w/o impact from #ACH2019.
Question: does ACH have country representatives? No, ACH is US-based (albeit w/ many welcome international members); EADH has associate organizations that are country-based. Int'l members of ACH are also welcome to run for exec/officer positions. #DH2020
. @kfitz If international members of ACH are interested in what country-based affiliates might look like for ACH. ACH also welcomes inquiries for ACH's participation in other international events. #DH2020
Question: Is there a DH body for the Middle East? . @mkgold Not a constituent organization of ADHO, but there are various interest groups, a group in Turkey is starting up. ADHO is interested in encouraging CO applications from around the world. #DH2020
. @gworthey also notes GO::DH with open listserv for global engagement with DH: #DH2020
. @veek notes membership benefits: discount from various publishers, membership supports publications including DH Quarterly, Humanist listserv (continuously active since 1987!) Membership benefit list here: ; send us suggestions for new benefits! #DH2020
Question: trainings for young DH scholars in Africa? @mkgold In ADHO, @DigitalHumASA has held conferences that include training. Discussion of pan-African DH network. Recommend getting in touch with DHASA. When ADHO has in-person conferences, offers bursaries. #DH2020
Question about whether institutions / organizations can join DH? @veek Not currently possible to join ACH, but organizations can formally join centerNet: #DH2020
Question about whether ACH could formally sponsor a peer review process? @kfitz: This is a great idea, has been picked up by @jenguiliano and @roopikarisam with Reviews in DH: ; would love to work with them and you on filling gaps. #DH2020
Question: discussion about how ACH might use virtual format not just as plan B, but plan A due to benefits of virtual conferences. @kfitz: Actively thinking about this, were already thinking about virtual components for future events. Build that into ongoing commitment. #DH2020