I have faced harassment, bullying, slander, sly jokes, hateful remarks on me for months now. All by the same people who claim they advocate mental health. All of them wanted to drag me because I apologized to Ali Zafar because I saw incriminating evidence.
Ask what did they know abt the case? Who are these multiple women? What is their testimony? Can any of them verify what they saw and went through, how many of them went to court? Why have most of them not turned up? & you hve the AUDACITY to compare this to Weinstein?
Have any of them even read or heard abt Weinstein’s case properly? There are audio recordings. I can guarantee most of these wokiyas did not read it.

Do they even know what I do for a living & how I stand by anyone, regardless of whether they can benefit me?
Funnily enough no one is actually even questioning or talking abt the said allegations. Because we can question state, covid, the sky, the ground, gravity, psychology, God, religion, but God forbid we question a fake account/serious allegation.

Everyone turned their guns on me.
I absolutely cannot explain the breadth and the extent of trolling I have faced in my years of being on Twitter. From blasphemy allegations to fatshaming to being shamed for my English to my face to my nose to now this. This was one of the worst attacks I’ve faced, ever.
And it hurt more b/c it came from friends. And it hurt more because I was betrayed by a lot of people who I considered friends too. But they were only using me, only my contacts & my platform to give them mileage. I was inconsequential otherwise.
To all those who stayed silent or attacked me when they saw I was literally being cyber-lynched, may you never have to go through what I went through. I will stand for you if it happens to you.

But b/c of ppl like you I suffered severe mental & emotional distress.
I broke down multiple times. I would stare at the screen shocked at the kind of vile, Lord of the Flies/Mean Girls situation that had started against me. & no one questioned or bothered to look up the case files or facts. In your head AZ was Jagga Badmaash & I was his paid tout.
You did not care abt facts. If you did you would go to court. You did not care abt the cause. If u did, u would have paid attention. U did not care abt mental health, if you did you would have asked & not attacked.

But it’s me, right. I’m an easy punching bag. B/c I don’t stoop.
And I went through anxiety, depression, even felt suicidal some days because of the extent of trolling. I began realizing how this so called liberal clique on Twitter has reduced my voice, canceled me, shut me down, yet still hate on me b/c yay fun pastime!
So i see you. All you snowflakes whining abt harassment who were happily slutshaming & snickering at Cynthia Ritchie who made a far more serious allegation than anyone in the recent past. But I guess that’s the rule right? I hve to like someone to support them? #MeToo
And I see you, working for foreign magazines, flaunting your accomplishments even though you were actively involved in smear campaigns & party to destroying lives. I see you like I see many others chanting activism but really doing opportunism.
And I see you, seemingly pretending you take stands. But I have seen how ugly your heart is & how shamelessly you target others. How happily you watch as others take me down, aah all this clout must feel nice.
Know that you are a group of bullies & vultures who prey on the goodness of other people. All those who stayed silent as they watched me get attacked. I stood for you, I helped you. And all you did was push me into an abyss.

I will not forget.
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