An 84 year old woman having to do physical labor as a housekeeper in the middle of a pandemic is not my kind of pick me up story. It's an indictment on our society, values and how little we care for our elders.
People have told me how nice it was that I was able to go home and be with my Dad in his last days. Honestly, it has rubbed me the wrong way.

Then I see a "pick me up story" about an 84 yo doing manual labor and it makes sense, why my actions are seen as "nice."
Our society is so broken,that between the financial realities for many and our own narcissism and lack of empathy, the notion of taking care of our elders in their last days isn't a thing.

I say f*ck that noise. Elders are precious, honor em, do right by them.
My parents were far from perfect, but I did everything to assist in both their last days. I couldn't live with myself if I had not, because that is not how my family rolls. We take care of our people.
I just watched that clip again, and my goodness, she feels lucky to have a job and she does what she is told.

That explains so much about this country. We do what we are told.
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