You guys gotta check out this essay written by the wonderful @sam_kolesnik. It’s worth the read, especially if you consider yourself and LGBT ally. I’m gonna have a thread to detail a little of my own experience being “out” so to speak.
CW: Biphobia 1/11 
Recently I switch my profile on twitter to say that I’m bi. This is part of a public coming out process for me that’s been a long time coming. I’m not going to talk about my sexual or romantic history, but the effects of homophobia and Bi phobia on me. 2/11
My experience was similar to Sam’s but I don’t remember the movie. I just remember people asking me if I was gay for liking a movie and I thought it was silly. I never really saw myself as gay, and up until then I’ve only been attracted to women. 3/11
When I was in college I began to be a bit curious about men and I ended up spending time at the pride center and I made a lot of friends in the LGBT community at my college. At the time I had just left a relationship with a woman who ended up cheating on me 4/11
At the time I was discovering myself. Taking time to grow and learn about myself. Which brings me to today. I am bisexual. I’ve had both male and female partners and I enjoy both about equally. A lot of my close friends know I’m bi. Most of my family does not. 5/11
I won’t get too much into my family but I have a feeling if I do come out to them they will not accept me. Which is a silly thought to have at 32, but I still have the thought. My family, especially immediate family has made it clear they aren’t allies or accepting. 6/11
My friend group has been totally accepting and I’m out with my friend group and all the people I consider close. Which also brings me to bi phobia. From 2016 to 2019 I was in a long term relationship with a woman who I planned to marry. 7/11
Life doesn’t work out. Upon finding myself single at 31 I decided to put myself back out there again. Once I started getting matches on apps and meeting people. I figured that if I’m going to seriously date someone to get to know someone they should know that I’m bi. 8/11
8 times out of 10, when I made that revelation the people I was talking to just ghosted me. Which hurt a lot. Some people made comments about how “bi people are just confused.” But most of the time people just stopped talking to me. 9/11
This thread is me saying that I’m bi, I’m here, and my sexuality is valid. I’m in a much better place than I was a year ago or even ten years ago. Sorry for the long thread but this essay Sam wrote really got me thinking about my own experiences with my sexuality. 10/11
I’m tired of all the bi erasure happening recently and I’m especially tired of seeing it in fiction as tropes. As writers and creators we need to do better, we need to respect each other’s sexuality’s, and we need to stop stigma against LGBT people. I love y’all. 11/11
Also one more add on. Horror actually helped me in discovering myself, my sexuality and my identity. This genre is very much a part of who I am and helped me become who I am.
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