So right... I think we all agree that Covid has significantly impacted our lives, whether you believe the virus is real or not 🙃

We’re a few months in and frustration mounts. Countries have put measures in place in hopes of controlling the spread of the virus
Some countries have put strict measures in place, relaxed those measures, seen spikes and reverted to initial measures...
I’ve seen arguments that... countries are expected to monitor cases, so, if you see spikes/hot spots, etc. you need introduce or re-introduce measures

Others argue that, this virus may never go away, so we need to live with it and stop adjusting measures
I believe the key here is balance⚖

BUT, since you can’t please everyone, let’s see your thoughts on one side or the other...
Before we continue, just briefly, we are a small country, where a large % of the population is concentrated on an island 21x7.

We are also heavily reliant on Tourism.

Generally, our people biggity and don’t like being told what to do

The National average is (approx.) a D
Which option do you consider best?...
How should measures be distributed?
What are your thoughts on testing?
Since March, locations for mass gatherings, how should they be handled?...
Should a curfew be in place?
Should masks be mandatory?
If you contracted Covid-19 (knock on wood âœŠđŸŸđŸšȘ)... how do you think your information should be reported, as far as name, address, contacts, places traveled, comorbidities
With all we’ve seen, heard and experienced, do you think it’s still best to have a Minister of Health
How many Covid-related deaths are you “okay” with?...
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