I never thought I’d spend so much time thinking about Pampers vs Huggies, but here we are. I have a clear favorite between the two; Pampers, even though I suspect the Huggies may do a better job of containing the most explosive of baby poops. Pampers excel in design & usability!
what’s better about Pampers’ design? glad you asked, I’ve had many a disturbed nocturnal hour to ponder the issue.
first and very important for new dads, the yellow tabs are a subtle but very effective cue to orientation. that side goes under your squirming and whaling baby. easy
second, once folded open, Pampers stay open. this is not a huge issue when fixing a fresh diaper to your new human, as gravity helps keep things down, but not having to dig around for them velcro tabs helps. Here, Pampers’ color cue comes in handy as well.
Speaking of velcro tabs, Huggies’ work very well. So well I sometimes doubt I can reposition them to “improve” my diaper installation. Diaper material tears away when undoing them. tbh, this has not posed problems as of yet, but Pampers tabs readjust without issue and hold fine.
we’ve come to the “back end” of diaper life and another velcro tab observation. Huggies go-getter tabs want to stick to *everything* and if by some coincidence they don’t, they fold over and stick onto themselves. this trait obviously hinders the cleanup phase, but…
When it comes to cleanup, Huggies find another way to annoy me. Once the diaper filled with intended collectibles is removed from my little man, I like to set it aside for capturing dirty wet-wipes, then wrap it closed, secure with velcro tabs and 🗑 the ball of baby collateral.
Pampers perform this job without issue, but Huggies like to fold in on themselves, making it hard-to-impossible to place wipes in the “open” diaper. The overachiever velcro tabs don’t make this any easier..
pictured is a moderate example of this behavior.
So there you have it, why I dislike Huggies in 8 Tweets. Thus far we’ve mostly had Pampers, which spared my sanity.
Throughout this, the thing I’ve found most annoying & difficult is how to pull a *single* baby wipe from the🤬package. some day I may tweet about that. stay tuned!
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