He came within a couple of thousand votes of entering No10 in 2017 in the teeth of a febrile media and treacherous PLP. And now in 2020 he faces being sued and possibly having the whip removed by current leader Keir Starmer.
The apartheid lobby has won and done so because of the lack of pushback against the smear campaign it waged relentlessly. Here we must be honest. The qualities that got Jeremy elected on such a popular mandate - decency, honesty, incorruptibility, etc - became liabilities, when
he found himself being assailed by the attack dogs of the establishment. Not his fault. He's not a street fighter in that sense, but it does validate yet again the sage words of Saint Just: "Those who make a revolution halfway dig their own grave."
The left as of now has one task. It must rally round this man and roar with all of its pent up rage having watched these bastards chase him from pillar to post these past few years. This far and no further. You want it. Let's fucking have it.
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