Having travelled the world, and interacted with many people who are aware of Yoga, but only as a mere physical activity, it saddened me immensely that the ancient Philosophy was forgotten or completely sidelined. Yoga is way beyond just Asanas.
Yoga, if followed diligently, becomes a journey, where one can use the intellect to achieve freedom from the burdens of life.

The great Sage, Patanjali was the Father and Architect of the Yogasutras. He gave a philosophical structure to Yoga wisdom.
The study of Yogasutras, made me realize why it is so important to gain basic understanding.
Yoga brings the body, mind and senses under control and enables us to live in harmony with ourselves and the people around us. The sutras are an in-depth study of mind and its workings.
This is my endeavor to talk about Yoga and tell the world that there is more to this science than mere physical exercise. True, yoga has served many in many different ways. So which is true?
Is yoga a mere physical exercise?
Or is it a pathway leading to Union with Paramatma?
In my experience, the Ultimate Union..🙏

#Yoga #SimpleYoga #AnanthasYoga #HeartandSoulWellbeing
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