hi, lets talk jewish stereotypes by a jew
jewish stereotyping has been around for centuries that it is so incorporated into society as a whole today. this thread will be talking about the origins of some of these stereotypes and why they are harmful to my community
these stereotypes do originate mainly from european culture, which is a huge part of why jews of color tend to be told they, “don’t look jewish” despite antisemites beliefs, there’s no one way to be jewish, it’s not a race but a religion, we come from everywhere which is amazing
okay so let’s start with appearance stereotypes: the horns

this has many origins, some can be taken from a mistranslation of hebrew text, depicting moses as a man with horns. it also stems from jesus’ death, which among most things, the jews were blamed for.
in the minds of the growing christian community the idea that we were sent by the devil and would sacrifice good pure chirstian children ran rampant causing segregation (and the first ghettos, and yes that’s what it’s called) they morphed the jews into something that wasn’t human
the jew nose:

this one is popular as most antisemetic depictions of jews contain a person with a long point nose but it’s a myth. there’s no backing to the “jewish nose” it’s just as common to appear in the face of a non jew than in a jew
so why is this such a huge myth? back around the 12th century christian art was changing in a way to single out the jews. it began with pointy hats (which was before the hat became common in religious jews) and then later the nose was added
a small nose is still deemed as more “attractive” by society because of the fact that it is a eurocentric feature, by giving the jew a big nose separates us from the common european, it makes us look grosteque in their eyes. and eventually the myth of the nose was spread
now let’s move onto jobs!

begining with banking and greed

back in the middle ages jews werent allowed to participate in common society in our ghettos. jews weren’t allowed to join guilds and own land. so as we jews tend to do, we figure out our own way. we became financiers
we also charged interest or usury, which to christians was sinful. which continued the belief that jews held no morals and would do anything to get a couple extra bucks. and again it spread. even shakespeare, playwright king spread it in, “The merchant of Vience”
as jews climbed up the social ladder because of learning how to deal with money we became a scapegoat for all economic crisies. this profession, while jews are still a part of it came about by a desperate need to become a member of society.
when you are perpetuating that we control the banks you are feeding into a rhetoric that undermines jewish success and places us at the center for all that’s wrong in the world.
next up, lawyers and more greed

this has a lot of overlap with bankers so i’ll keep it quick, established in the 20th century as jews gained positions in the profession the ideas of lack of morality and slimy nature that can be associated with lawyers began
up next, hollywood and even more greed

this also will be pretty short. the connotation that jews run hollywood comes with the fact that a lot of jews do hold high positions in the industry. the problem lies with the fact that this idea causes people to associate
the greedy, horrible and disheartening world of hollywood with the religion of judaism, rather then those who are bringing about the issues.
lightning round of tv/film tropes with jews that are popular

- the doctor/lawyer/banker profession which they usually have which associates us with these long lasting antiemetic ideas
- loud jewish mother which is pretty true but very present in media
- general greed and “sinful” behavior
- scrawniness/inability to be athletic which keeps the idea that we are slimy by only using our big money controlling minds
the last one i was gonna list there deserves its own spot which is the JAP or the jewish american princess. you can see versions of this in many instances across media, for example in parks and recreation with Mona-Lisa, one of the few jewish characters in the show.
so what’s the jewish american princess?

once known as the “ghetto girl” a jewish american princess is known as the americanized jew, she worked in retail, wore bright tacky clothing and was sexually free. she’s rich and spoiled and greedy uh oh..
there goes the root of the issue. the jewish american princess was the fear that jewish women were assimilating into society with the sprinkle of ideas of greed added on. some women have decided to reclaim this term and use it as a badge of pride
and the illuminati/running the world. that’s a whole given when it comes to antisemeitc stereotypes, i mean, look up stuff about the elders of zion... a whole cesspool of the most common modern jewish stereotypes that we all fall victim too
someone said to a friend that some jewish stereotypes are “good” because it means we have power. this stems from how little we talk about modern antisemitism

all of the stuff i’ve talked about were used by nazis and many other groups throughout history to justify killing us.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD STEREOTYPE. they all have root in evil and blood.

thank you for reading, below will be a link to a google doc where i will list the sources i used to make this thread and the antisemitism carrd here: https://fightantisemitism.carrd.co/ 
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