Ivy-league institutions are unembarassed and even proud of their limitations on academic freedom and a culture shaping a faculty to reflect its dominant worldview, while avoiding inclusion of those who dissent. 1/
Catholic institutions, meanwhile, cling to the waning crumbs of “academic freedom” which was the weapon used to eliminate religious belief on once religious, now secular campuses. They drifted, and now actively embrace, the “established” religion of liberalism. 2/
As evidence gathers that a “house divided against itself cannot stand,” and “academic freedom” was always a way-station and means to liberal orthodoxy, will Catholic institutions have the courage to stand for Catholic orthodoxy?
Most institutions have too little courage, and too few Catholic intellectuals, to rally. Because of this, appeals to “academic freedom” may slow the erosion, but won’t stop it. It is sad and pathetic to watch in real time.
But at the very least, it should be evident to everyone that liberal “academic freedom” is a dead letter, and Catholics should stop seeing it as their friend.
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