I live in Oregon so I have some words.

My wife and I love going there and staying a couple days. I just cancelled a trip there because of the *riots*

I have family that lives just outside of downtown Portland. They won’t go downtown because of the *riots*
(THREAD) https://twitter.com/meetthepress/status/1286296505364742144
The *riots* have been going on for over a month now. Over a month of destruction of public property, burning of businesses, ripping people from cars, destruction of private property, blocking major roads, and the list goes on. People are terrified of downtown Portland.
The police there have been completely abandoned by Ted Wheeler and Kate Brown.

Furthermore, businesses have been closed due to COVID and their only hope to make it is coming back to their businesses. Now, that can’t happen because of these anarchists.
These riots have nothing to do with George Floyd. They have everything to do with destroying the systems of government and making Portland and wherever else socialist sanctuaries

I don’t say that. The rioters do

For over a month this has been happening and nothing’s been done
Until Trump sent in the feds. Nobody wants the feds to go in. Not me, not Trump, not Kate Brown, not Ted Wheeler. Nobody

But when you let the only major city in your state go to hell because you’re a spineless vote sucking power hungry mayor/governor something needs to be done
I haven’t seen one article, news report, etc. condemning the rioting from ANY left leaning major news sources

As people lose their businesses, property, city that they pay exorbitant taxes to fund, freedom to feel safe in their own city, NO ONE SPEAKS UP FOR THEM.
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