Over 50 million people just became unemployed in a country with an employer based health care system.

During a pandemic.

Insuring 20 mil via the ACA is meaningful, but ignoring a solution that could insure everyone during COVID is one of the most tone deaf things I've ever seen https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1286254983961165826
Biden's COVID plan is to have the government pick up the COBRA tab for those who have lost their insurance due to layoffs. Not only is this an incredibly costly solution that amounts to a give away to the private insurance industry, it still leaves unemployed people paying copays
and deductibles. Moreover, folks who didn't have insurance b4 being fired are out of luck. The solution for them is to start paying for an Obamacare plan now that they have no income.

Biden's website says he's willing to "spend whatever it takes."

#MedicareForAll is cheaper.
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