So, imagine you're the @CDNEnergyCentre and your mandate is to make sure that "true facts" about our province's oil and gas sector are out there in conversion. But, you really don't want to do much original work because you've only got a $30m per year budget...
So, you surf on over to NRCan where, it turns out, the federal government already does some of this work so you can just freeload on that. They have a helpful facts box, even, and since you're looking for facts, that's really helpful.
Now, since you 'know' that energy and oil and gas are basically synonymous, you take some of this information and start to make your own graphics, like this sharp number here. $30m per year, remember.
But, here's the thing: all you really needed to do was scroll just a little further down that page and find out what NRCan includes in the energy sector. It turns out they include electricity. Oil and gas is 5.6% of nominal gdp. Or was. But facts, schmacts am I right?
While we can all appreciate the irony of the @CDNEnergyCentre using wind and solar construction impacts to goose their estimate of oil and gas gdp, this is just another sad example of a gov't-funded PAC more concerned with myth and spin than fact.
Ugh, there's always a typo.
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