I'm going to be watching the Austin city council meeting that starts at 10 a.m. CST. They will be hearing public testimony about the police budget. It will be threaded. https://austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live
Over 400 speakers signed up to speak, with up to two minutes each. This is over 13 hours of public commentary.
Council members and mayor apologize in advance for inevitably having to step away for bathroom breaks and more serious issues. Council member Tovo is dealing with a family medical situation.
After 10 callers: All want to defund the police; either by 50% or $100 million. Preponderance is District 1 but callers are from all over Austin. Biggest complaint is that the budget doesn't reflect community feedback. Multiple describe it as an "insult".
Brenda Ramos, mother of Mike Ramos. APD provide her no information about her son's murder. "APD can arrest protestors" but not the murderer of her son. "He is still getting a city paycheck." We should take away that money from APD "and give it to someone who actually cares."
Caller from ATX Food Policy Board - speaks to the needs to invest needs in BIPOC communities. Food insecurity has doubled among TX families since we declared an emergency. "We need to remake our food system into one that is economically and racially just."
Now around 20 callers. Many people end their time with "Black Lives Matter"

Some groups represented (I definitely missed some): @ccucoalition , @Grassroots_News , @austin_DSA , @AtxJustice , @JustLibertyTX1 . A lot of healthcare workers.
Seneca from @austin_DSA "People are willing to risk death for this change. What are you willing to risk?" This budget "cuts housing more than it cuts police."
Chas Moore reiterates the call for bravery. "This is a chance for y'all to build your legacy. This is an opportunity for you all to take your shot. As citizens, we are not able to be in the room and make the budget decisions. We trust you to represent the community."
Caller Jeffrey specifically calls out @LesliePoolATX - At the recent District 7 budget meeting, she was asked if she supported defunding the police and she dodged the question. Did not show respect for her constituents.
After around 30 callers, I've heard the word "abolish" once, and that was "eventually abolish." Almost every call is either a demand for "at least 100 million decrease" or "50% decrease". Several calls to specifically disarm the police.
David Peterson, former Asst Fed Public Defender, says that budget proposal is indicative of a larger "democracy problem in our city". The Austin Police Association is already planning to undermine the work of DA candidate Jose Garza, who won his primary with a mandate.
First assigned block of speakers finished early so now we have some people who just happened to call in.
Rebecca Webber from Public Safety Commission points out that the City Manager rejected requests this year for increases in EMS, such as funding for additional FTEs, despite the public health emergency going on.
One call for NOT cutting APD budget without more input. "Not every Austinite knows who these groups are." "It's important there are people who do support public safety." "Only thing I've heard is standing in solidarity with criminal justice advocates. That is not a plan."
I should note that people proposed very specific plans on the phone today. Citizens and citizen groups have made very specific plan proposals. It is true, however, that I have not heard specific proposals from council members.
Frank from @austin_DSA - mentions the $3000 on cheese balls for sexual assault survivors. "I guess we are providing cheese balls and not support for survivors." Points out that if you cut the APD twitter you could save more than Stephen Cronk proposed.
Next few callers mention other areas that need money. Austin Parks, students and families, ousing for the homeless community. A policy analyst for the poliche force calls in and cites studies saying that increased police force decreases crime. (Conflicts reports I've read.)
Break from now until 1 p.m. Almost 2 hours of testimony from 51 callers. Only 4 did NOT want to defund the police, two or three were from the Greater Austin Crime Commission.
Same as before break--overwhelming public support for defunding the police. A diverse set of callers, many from working class jobs like healthcare and education.
The most common description of the proposed city budget is "an insult" and the second most common is "a slap in the face".
We've topped over 100 callers to this city council meeting.
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