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Your wish is my command!

This one is shorter

Read it until the end

A lot of people approaches me asking how to start making money here on twitter.

Well, to answer you straight to the point.

Affiliate marketing is the easiest yet a long process.

So if you want to be ahead of the game.


Hereโ€™s why ๐Ÿ‘‡
Learning the basics will give you the right foundation of affiliate marketing

Youโ€™ll know how to:

-Writing sales tweets

But after learning the basics

How do you apply it especially to beginners?

I started having a hard time too

This is what I did

I did 5 things to really learn the game

1. Invest in an Aff. Marketing course
2. Applied what I learned
3. Got results as testimonies
4. Build Audience(the important part)
5. Consistency

So weโ€™ll go with number 1

1. Investing in a course

Itโ€™s no doubt the best investment I ever had in my life.

Investing in an Affiliate Marketing course can really pave the way for you.

-Youโ€™ll never feel lost
-Youโ€™ll know what to say
-Youโ€™ll know what to do and not to do

Itโ€™s no doubt that investing in a course could really help you be ahead of the game.

TAKE NOTE: An affiliate marketing course can be your guide to a course you really want to affiliate in.

Itโ€™s not compulsory to affiliate for the Aff. Marketing course

Itโ€™s a guide on how to properly affiliate for a course that really helped you like:

-Crypto course
-Flipping course
-Dropshipping course
-Twitter growth course

And many more.

It doesnโ€™t mean you got the guide, youโ€™ll affiliate for it right away.

I chose to affiliate for an Aff. Marketing course because I want to talk about Affiliate Marketing.

Now if you donโ€™t want to talk about it, but you want something that can help you properly promote a course that helped you

I suggest get a course about Aff. Marketing

2. Applying your learnings

This one is the most crucial.

If you donโ€™t apply what you learned

Youโ€™ll really fail and end up blaming the course.

Which is why people would say courses are a scam.

The courses are not the scam, itโ€™s you and your mindset are the scams

Think of it the same way as going to school

Do you think youโ€™ll pass an exam without studying and practicing the lessons taught to you?

No right?

You should also treat the courses as an education, the difference is that, it generates you money

While the other doesnโ€™t

3. Getting results

Of course, after learning and applying, you should probably get the results you want.

To win in the game of Affiliate Marketing

You need to show people RESULTS.

Thatโ€™s the reason why theyโ€™ll be buying from you.

Through your RESULTS.

Hereโ€™s a situation:

2 people promotes a course that talks about the same thing.

Person A got $2000 from it

While Person B got $0.

To whom are you most willing to buy?

Definitely from Person A.

Though Person Bโ€™s idea can be great

Yet, he doesnโ€™t have results

Making it hard for people to believe in it.

Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s important to show people your results.

But donโ€™t be too showy of it, where it reaches to the point your tweets are all just about it.

Remember always use ratios

5:1 (5 value tweets: 1 result tweet)

4. Build Audience

This one is the most important part.

Remember your audience are the ones whoโ€™ll buy from you.

Audience = Customers

Make sure to build them up.

Build your audience by putting up authority and trust.

Post quality content tweets

One way to build audience is to know how to get audienceโ€™s attention.

And one way to get their attention is to show them your results, share free value, and share your knowledge.

Give them a reason why they should get the course through your link.

One example is @HokeHustles

He got $2k+ on his first month as an affiliate for @CoachJoeHart PFP

How did he do it?

He showed how much money he got from flipping and from coach Joeโ€™s PFP.

Which encouraged a lot of people to join through his link, dreaming to be like Grant

Now Grant got his audience, it was all sales for him.

And now he made a course about Affiliate Marketing which is one of the most successful courses on gumroad.

$10k+ in sales from the playbook alone.

Which gave Grant the trust and authority from his audience.

5. Consistency

Consistency is the ๐Ÿ”‘ they say.

And it is true.

As an affiliate, itโ€™s not everyday sales from the start. It takes effort, time and consistency to build those passive income.

If youโ€™re not willing to be consistent

Donโ€™t try Affiliate Marketing

Show up everyday. Promote everyday.

But make sure in promoting, provide value first.

You donโ€™t want people to see your profile full of Affiliate links.

Consistency is the ๐Ÿ”‘

Donโ€™t give up. Sales will come.
In order for you to get started in Affiliate Marketing hereโ€™s the course that helped me really gain my first dollar here on twitter!

If youโ€™re serious in starting making money through Affiliate Marketing

I suggest you get this one!

If you liked my thread, likes and retweets would be appreciated!

I hope you learned something from this thread!

Iโ€™m willing to do more of these if you guys keep on showing support in this one!

Thank you for reaching up to this point!

Enjoy the journey everyone!
You can follow @ReinerAdrianP.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword โ€œunrollโ€ to get a link to it.

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