1/6 Hi I’m Dave! Doing a PhD @DICE_Kent studying #orangutans in oil palm dominated landscapes in Borneo. 🦧 #DICECON20 #SpsMon2
Thanks to my supervisors:
@mattstruebig and @tanyahumle
2/6 I surveyed🦧 @SAFE_Project in Sabah & found nests on all transects, including forest patches in 🌴 where orangutans persist but at lower densities: 0.82🦧/km2,~3x lower than in continuous forest. #DICECON20 #SpsMon2
Check out our paper @AmJournalPrimat: http://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23030
3/6 For effective 🦧 management in modified landscapes, we need to know:
i) Are 🦧 populations viable in the long-term?
ii) Can they move between forest patches?
#DICECON20 #SpsMon2
4/6 For example:
Are 🦧 likely to become trapped in forest patches in oil palm estates?
Will they use linear features, such as riparian reserves?
Or move across stepping stones of natural forest?
#DICECON20 #SpsMon2
5/6 To work this out I’m using individual based models to predict 🦧 movements in oil palm estates, to assess population viability & to evaluate effects of different management options. Here’s a cool example using #RangeShifter #DICECON20 #SpsMon2
6/6 We aim to contribute evidence that helps manage wildlife in oil palm. Watch this space for further outputs! Thanks to!
@BocediGreta @JMJTravis @m_ddlvoigt @NicolasJDeere @marcancrenaz @emeijaard @SergeWich @NERCscience @PsgbStudent
You can follow @DaveSeaman86.
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